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B BIO 130 Introduction to Marine Life (5) NSc
Identification of invertebrates, fish, mammals, and birds of the Salish Sea with a focus on their anatomy, adaptations, and roles in the ecosystem. Exploration of unique environmental conditions that allow life to thrive in the Salish Sea, including anthropogenic impacts on local species.

B BIO 180 Introductory Biology I (5) NSc
For students intending to take advanced courses in the biological sciences or enroll in pre-professional programs. Mendelian genetics, evolution, biodiversity of life forms, ecology, conservation biology. First course in a three-quarter series (B BIO 180, B BIO 200, B BIO 220). Maximum 15 credits allowed between B BIO 180; B BIO 200; B BIO 220 (or equivalents); and BIOL 240. Course equivalent to: BIOL 180. Course overlaps with: T BIOL 120.

B BIO 200 Introductory Biology II (5) NSc
For students intending to take advanced courses in the biological sciences or enroll in pre-professional programs. Metabolism and energetics, structure and function of biomolecules, cell structure and function, animal development. Second course in a three-quarter series (B BIO 180, B BIO 200, B BIO 220). Maximum 15 credits allowed between B BIO 180; B BIO 200; B BIO 220 (or equivalents); and BIOL 240. Course equivalent to: BIOL 200. Course overlaps with: T BIOL 130. Prerequisite: B BIO 180; B CHEM 143; and B CHEM 153, which may be taken concurrently.

B BIO 220 Introductory Biology III (5) NSc
For students intending to take advanced courses in the biological sciences or enroll in pre-professional programs. Animal physiology, plant development and physiology. Final course in a three-quarter series (B BIO 180, B BIO 200, B BIO 220). Maximum 15 credits allowed between B BIO 180; B BIO 200; B BIO 220 (or equivalents); and BIOL 240. Course equivalent to: BIOL 220. Course overlaps with: T BIOL 140. Prerequisite: B BIO 200.

B BIO 230 Study Abroad: Biology (1-5, max. 15) NSc
Lower-division biology courses for which there are no direct University of SA国际传媒 Bothell equivalents, taken through a University of SA国际传媒 study abroad program.

B BIO 231 Genes, Genomes and Heredity (5) SSc/NSc
Explores basic concepts of heredity, including DNA structure and function, Mendel's rules of inheritance, and human genetic diseases. Goals include understanding current issues in the field, including genetic screening and testing, DNA fingerprinting and forensic analysis, the genetic basis of cancer, and genetically modified organisms. Offered: jointly with BISSTS 231.

B BIO 232 Embryos, Genes and Reproductive Technology (5) SSc/NSc
Explores human reproduction, embryonic development, and genetic technology. Explores the increasing use of technology used in reproduction and related issues (e.g. in vitro fertilization, genetic selection of embryos, cloning, stem cells). Offered: jointly with BISSTS 232.

B BIO 233 Cancer: Biology, Risk, and Treatment (5) NSc
Addresses the basic biology of cancer, genetic and environmental risk factors, and treatment options. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the U.S, but improvements in detection and treatment are changing the way we think about and live with it. Course overlaps with: B HLTH 225. Offered: Sp.

B BIO 240 Fundamentals of Cellular Biology for Nursing and Allied Health (5) NSc
Survey of cell biology, including macromolecules, cellular metabolism and reproduction, genetics, molecular biology, and evolution, especially as they apply to organisms. Lectures and weekly lab exercises. Intended for students pursing nursing or allied health degrees; not intended for biology majors. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in either B CHEM 115 or B CHEM 143/B CHEM 144.

B BIO 241 Human Anatomy and Physiology I for Nursing and Allied Health (6) NSc
First in a two-quarter sequence. Structure and function of the human body, specifically the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. Uses models, skeletons, microscope slides, photographs, and animal dissections. Intended for students pursuing nursing or allied health degrees; not intended for biology majors. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in either B BIO 220 or B BIO 240.

B BIO 242 Human Anatomy and Physiology II for Nursing and Allied Health (6) NSc
Second in a two-quarter sequence. Structure and function of the human body, specifically the endocrine, respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. Uses models, microscope slides, photographs, and animal dissections. Intended for students pursing nursing or allied health degrees; not intended for biology majors. Prerequisite: B BIO 241.

B BIO 285 Seminar in Biology (3, max. 9) SSc/NSc
Supervised readings and group discussion on a specific area of biology. Topics vary with instructor. Offered: jointly with BIS 285.

B BIO 293 Special Topics in Biology (2-5, max. 15) NSc
Explores selected topics in biology.

B BIO 305 The Science and Ethics of Stem Cells (5) NSc/SSc
Combines study of stem cell biology with discussion of bioethical issues surrounding stem cell research; include laboratory sessions. Examines media portrayals of stem cell science and claims of proponents and opponents of stem cell research. Offered: A.

B BIO 310 Brain and Behavior (5) NSc
Interdisciplinary exploration of the biological basis of human behavior, including altruism, aggression, learning, communication, and mating. Draws on neuroanatomy, neuroscience, endocrinology, ethology, genetics, and sociobiology to examine how the brain influences, and is influenced, by behavior. Readings include primary literature as well as popular publications. Offered: Sp.

B BIO 320 Behavioral Neuroscience (5) NSc
An exploration of how brain cells and their connections form functional neural networks to control and modulate behavior in both humans and non-human animals. Takes both bottom-up and top-down approaches to understand how the nervous system facilitates, regulates, and modulates sensation and perception, muscle movement, vision, learning and memory, wanting and liking, drug addiction, and belief. Course equivalent to: T BIOL 412. Course overlaps with: NEUSCI 302. Prerequisite: B BIO 220. Offered: W.

B BIO 330 Marine Biology (5) NSc
Investigates how marine life adapts to ocean habitats from deep-sea vents to tropical coral reefs by exploring animal behavior, physiology, evolution, and ecology. Fieldtrips required, including an overnight to Friday Harbor Lab. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in either B BIO 180 or BIOL 180; recommended: B BIO 200, B BIO 220.

B BIO 335 Salmon and Society (5) NSc/SSc
Exploration of the complexities of salmon biology, management, and conservation from local to international scales, and the cultural, SA国际传媒al, and political contexts in which management decisions are made. Prerequisite: B BIO 180. Offered: A.

B BIO 340 Introduction to Bioinformatics (5, max. 10) NSc, RSN
Develops confidence in incorporating computational methods into research. Introduces topics such as DNA sequence analysis alongside elements of the python programming language. Emphasizes student-directed projects that work with real data to address open-ended biological questions. Prerequisite: B BIO 180. Offered: W.

B BIO 351 Principles of Anatomy and Physiology I (5) NSc
Examines basic principles of anatomy and physiology at the cellular, tissue, and organismal levels. Considers adaptations in a broad range of animals, including humans, covering homeostasis, endocrinology, cellular neuroscience, higher brain function, sensory systems, and reproduction. Prerequisite: B BIO 220. Offered: AW.

B BIO 352 Principles of Anatomy and Physiology II (5) NSc
Examines anatomy and physiology at the cellular, tissue, and organismal levels. Considers adaptations in a range of animals, including humans, covering skeletal systems, muscle physiology, cardiovascular systems, respiration, osmoregulation, digestion, and energy balance. Prerequisite: B BIO 220 or BIOL 220; recommended: B BIO 351. Offered: WSp.

B BIO 355 Behavioral Endocrinology (5) NSc
Explores how endocrine and neural systems interact to modulate complex behavior. Takes a comparative approach, covering the endocrine and neural bases of behavior in multiple vertebrate taxa. Topics are introduced in lecture then explored through student-led discussion of primary and secondary literature. Prerequisite: B BIO 200.

B BIO 360 Introduction to Genetics (5) NSc
Explores principles of heredity including gene transmission, classical genetics, mutation, chromosomal mapping, and molecular genetics, including recombinant DNA and DNA analysis. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in B BIO 200.

B BIO 364 Biochemistry I (5) NSc
First quarter of biochemistry covering macromolecules, including proteins and enzymes. Includes chemical structure of biological molecules and their interactions, how cells synthesize and degrade biological molecules, and how these activities are organized. Emphasizes how biochemical processes interrelate. Prerequisite: either both B BIO 200 and B CHEM 237, or B CHEM 239. Offered: jointly with B CHEM 364; A.

B BIO 365 Biochemistry II (5)
Second quarter of biochemistry, covering chemistry of major metabolic pathways, including glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, electron, transport, and metabolism of amino acids and fatty acids. Prerequisite: B BIO 364/B CHEM 364. Offered: jointly with B CHEM 365; W.

B BIO 366 Biochemistry Laboratory (3) NSc
Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B BIO 364/B CHEM 364, which may be taken concurrently. Offered: jointly with B CHEM 366.

B BIO 370 Microbiology (5) NSc
Explores microbiology, including microbial diversity, survival strategies, metabolism, habitats, ecology, and evolution. Covers methods used to study microbes, and the impact of microorganisms on engineering and human health. Includes laboratory. Prerequisite: B BIO 200; and either CHEM 162 or B CHEM 163. Offered: A.

B BIO 372 Stem Cells (5)
Explores stem cell biology, molecular and cellular research techniques, disease pathology, and stem cell therapies. Emphasis on primary literature and student led projects. Prerequisite: B BIO 200 and B BIO 220. Offered: W.

B BIO 373 Medical Microbiology (5) NSc
Explores the medical aspects of microbiology, including disease mechanisms, transmission and control, human defense mechanisms, and antimicrobial drugs. Reviews the structures, genetics, and functions of microorganisms. Features experiential learning via a series of lab activities. Prerequisite: B BIO 220; and either B CHEM 163 or CHEM 162.

B BIO 375 Molecular Biology (5)
Molecular biology, focusing on structure and synthesis of informational macromolecules. Includes DNA replication and repair, chromosome structure, synthesis and processing of RNA and proteins, regulatory RNAs, amino acid metabolism, and protein trafficking and degradation. Prerequisite: B BIO 200; and either B BIO 360, B BIO 364/B CHEM 364, GENOME 361, or BIOC 405. Offered: jointly with B CHEM 375; Sp.

B BIO 380 Cell Biology (5) NSc
Studies the biology of the cell, cell structure and organization, and cellular function. Covers membrane systems, information flow within cells, cell recognition, cell signaling, and malignancy, emphasizing molecular approaches to the study of cells. Prerequisite: either B BIO 360, B BIO 364/B CHEM 364, or B BIO375/B CHEM 375.

B BIO 383 Bioinformatics (5) NSc
A project-based introduction to fundamental topics in Bioinformatics. Students develop a working knowledge of computational approaches to analyze biological datasets, including DNA, RNA and protein sequence datasets. Includes topics such as: sequence analysis, alignment , phylogeny, comparative genomics, and biological network analysis. Offered: jointly with CSS 383; W.

B BIO 385 Animal Behavior (5) NSc
Examines the ultimate (evolutionary) and proximate (mechanistic) causes of animal behavior. Topics are introduced in lecture, explored through student-led discussion of primary literature, and put into action with student collection of behavioral data at the zoo and in the field. Course overlaps with: PSYCH 408/BIOL 408. Prerequisite: B BIO 220. Offered: W.

B BIO 390 Diseases and Disorders of the Nervous System (5) NSc
Examines selected nervous system diseases and disorders representative of different types of neurological and neuropsychiatric dysfunction. Develops SA国际传媒al perspectives of these conditions to compare with current understanding of the etiology (causation), underlying mechanisms (structural, pathophysiological, neurochemical), and related treatments. Supports understanding of the process of scientific investigation and involved limitations. Course overlaps with: NEUSCI 402 and NEUSCI 404. Prerequisite: B BIO 220; recommended: B BIO 351 or equivalent.

B BIO 393 Special Topics in Biology (2-5, max. 20)
Explores special topics in biology.

B BIO 394 Special Topics in Neuroscience (5, max. 15) NSc
Allows students to delve into depth in a specific area of neural science through the discussion of peer-reviewed scientific articles. Specific topics vary by instructor and iteration. Prerequisite: B BIO 220; recommended: B BIO 351. Offered: AWSp.

B BIO 430 Study Abroad: Advanced Biology (1-5, max. 15) NSc
Upper-division biology courses for which there are no direct University of SA国际传媒 Bothell equivalents, taken through a University of SA国际传媒 study abroad program.

B BIO 460 Developmental Biology (5) NSc
Studies the biology of embryonic development. Covers major features of development of vertebrates and invertebrates. Topics include: morphological features of early development (fertilization, cleavage, gastrulation, establishment of the body plan), cell determination, pattern formation, molecular biology of early embryos, and introduction to evolutionary developmental biology. Course equivalent to: BIOL 411. Prerequisite: B BIO 360. Offered: Sp.

B BIO 466 Evolution (5) NSc, RSN
Explores evolution using experiments and simple algebraic models, explains processes underlying observed patterns (e.g., evolution of HIV), predicts outcomes (e.g., health and crop management), and depicts and interprets relationships. Prerequisite: B BIO 180.

B BIO 470 Microbiology II: Microbial Interactions (5)
Covers microbial genetics and genomics, methods in microbial ecology and evolution, virology, symbiosis, pathogenesis, evolution of cooperation and virulence. Requires reading primary literature in microbiology and evolution. Includes development of scholarship and grant writing skills in microbiology. Prerequisite: B BIO 370. Offered: W.

B BIO 471 Plant Ecology (5) NSc
Explores the evolution and ecology of plants, starting at the scale of a plant individual to populations to community interactions to ecosystem dynamics. Topics covered in lecture and explored through student-led discussion of primary literature. Includes student collected field and greenhouse data. Prerequisite: B BIO 180. Offered: Sp.

B BIO 480 Neurobiology (5) NSc
Studies the biological aspects of the brain and nervous systems, and the effects of these systems on morphology, physiology, and behavior. Advanced concepts in neurophysiology, cell/molecular neuroscience, neural development, and neuropathology. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in B BIO 351. Offered: Sp.

B BIO 485 Advanced Seminar in Biology (1-3, max. 6)
Supervised readings and group discussion on a specific area of biology. Topics Vary. Prerequisite: B BIO 220.

B BIO 495 Investigative Biology (5) NSc, RSN
Provides research experience in Biology. Topic and research methods vary. Prerequisite: B BIO 220; and either B MATH 215, B HLTH 215, or STMATH 341. Offered: AWSpS.

B BIO 498 Independent Study in Biology (1-5, max. 15)
independent study on a topic or area agreed upon by the instructor and student. Prerequisite: B BIO 220.

B BIO 499 Undergraduate Research in Biology (1-5, max. 20)
Undergraduate research on a topic agreed upon by the instructor and student. Prerequisite: B BIO 220.