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B CHEM 110 Chemistry and Life (5) NSc
Survey course exploring the chemistry of life. Topics include the molecular nature of all life, chemical processes of living organisms, chemistry of food, air, water, nutrition, pollution, genetic engineering, and drug design. Material includes basic chemical principles related to explored topics. No prior chemistry knowledge assumed. Offered: jointly with BST 110; A.

B CHEM 115 Introductory Chemistry I (5) NSc, RSN
Covers atomic nature of matter, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, solution chemistry, atomic theory, chemical bonding, gas laws, and acid/base reactions. First in a three-quarter sequence designed for non-majors or students interested in pursuing a health studies field like nursing or public health. Includes laboratory. Maximum 6 credits allowed between B CHEM 115; B CHEM 143; B CHEM 144; CHEM 120; CHEM 142; CHEM 143; and CHEM 145. Course equivalent to: CHEM 120. Course overlaps with: CHEM 142; CHEM 143; and CHEM 145. Offered: AW.

B CHEM 139 Preparation for General Chemistry (5) NSc
Provides preparation for taking the yearlong General Chemistry sequence. Covers the language of chemistry and develops proficiency and skills in mathematical concepts that are applied to the quantitative topics in chemistry. Offered: A.

B CHEM 143 General Chemistry I (4) NSc, RSN
Covers atomic nature of matter, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, solution chemistry, atomic theory, chemical bonding, molecular geometry and structure. First of a three-quarter sequence for science and engineering majors. Maximum 6 credits allowed between B CHEM 115; B CHEM 143; B CHEM 144; CHEM 120; CHEM 142; CHEM 143; and CHEM 145. Course overlaps with: CHEM 142. Prerequisite: either a minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 139, a minimum grade of 2.5 in either B MATH 122, B MATH 123, STMATH 124, STMATH 125, or STMATH 126, a minimum score of 300 on the MTHDSP directed self-placement test, a score of 145-153 on the MPT-AS test, or a minimum score of 151 on the MPT-GS test; recommended: High School Chemistry. Offered: AW.

B CHEM 144 General Chemistry Lab I (2) NSc, RSN
Laboratory experience designed to complement the knowledge gained in B CHEM 143. Emphasizes collection and analysis of laboratory results in a well prepared laboratory notebook. Maximum 6 credits allowed between B CHEM 115; B CHEM 143; B CHEM 144; CHEM 120; CHEM 142; CHEM 143; and CHEM 145. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 143, which may be taken concurrently. Offered: AW.

B CHEM 153 General Chemistry II (4) NSc, RSN
Covers energy, enthalpy, thermochemistry, gas laws, properties of solutions, solids, entropy, free energy, spontaneity, and organic chemistry. Second of a three-quarter sequence for science and engineering majors. Maximum 6 credits allowed between B CHEM 153; B CHEM 154; CHEM 152; CHEM 153; and CHEM 155. Course overlaps with: CHEM 152. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 143. Offered: WSp.

B CHEM 154 General Chemistry Lab II (2) NSc, RSN
Laboratory experience designed to complement the knowledge gained in B CHEM 153. Continued emphasis placed on quality results with the addition of writing sections of a standard lab report. Maximum 6 credits allowed between B CHEM 153; B CHEM 154; CHEM 152; CHEM 153; and CHEM 155. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 144; minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 153, which may be taken concurrently. Offered: WSp.

B CHEM 157 General Learning Strategies for General Chemistry (1, max. 3)
Provides practice in using quantitative tools and techniques introduced during the general chemistry lecture. Allows students to sharpen the reasoning necessary for use in science courses. Includes questions, lecture, and text review, and additional practice problems. Corequisite: either B CHEM 142, B CHEM 152, or B CHEM 162. Offered: AWSpS.

B CHEM 163 General Chemistry III (4) NSc, RSN
Covers chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, acids and bases, aqueous equilibria, transition metals and coordination chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, and electrochemistry. Third of a three-quarter sequence for science and engineering majors. Maximum 6 credits allowed between CHEM 162; CHEM 165; B CHEM 163; and B CHEM 164. Course overlaps with: CHEM 162. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 153. Offered: SpS.

B CHEM 164 General Chemistry Lab III (2) NSc, RSN
Laboratory experience designed to complement the knowledge gained in B CHEM 163. Continued emphasis placed on quality results with the writing of standard lab reports. Maximum 6 credits allowed between CHEM 162; CHEM 165; B CHEM 163; and B CHEM 164. Course overlaps with: CHEM 162. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 154; minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 163, which may be taken concurrently. Offered: SpS.

B CHEM 237 Organic Chemistry I (4) NSc
Structure, nomenclature, reactions, and synthesis of the main types of organic compounds. No organic laboratory accompanies this course. First in a three quarter sequence. B CHEM 237, B CHEM 238, and B CHEM 239 (or equivalents) must be completed in sequence. Course equivalent to: CHEM 237. Course overlaps with: CHEM 220; CHEM 223; CHEM 257; and T CHEM 251. Prerequisite: minimum of a 2.0 in either B CHEM 162 or B CHEM 163 and B CHEM 164.

B CHEM 238 Organic Chemistry II (4) NSc
Further discussion of physical properties and transformations of organic molecules, especially aromatic and carbonyl compounds. Second in a three-quarter sequence. B CHEM 237, B CHEM 238, and B CHEM 239 (or equivalents) must be completed in sequence. Course equivalent to: CHEM 238. Course overlaps with: CHEM 258. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in B CHEM 237.

B CHEM 239 Organic Chemistry III (4) NSc
Third course for students planning to take three quarters of organic chemistry. Polyfunctional compounds and natural products, lipids, carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Includes introduction to membranes, enzyme mechanisms, prosthetic groups, macromolecular conformations and supramolecular architecture. B CHEM 237, B CHEM 238, and B CHEM 239 (or equivalents) must be completed in sequence. Course equivalent to: CHEM 239. Course overlaps with: CHEM 221; CHEM 224; CHEM 259; and T CHEM 271. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in B CHEM 238.

B CHEM 241 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (3) NSc
Introduction to organic laboratory techniques. Preparation of representative compounds. Designed to be taken with B CUSP 238. Course equivalent to: CHEM 241. Course overlaps with: CHEM 261. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in B CHEM 237; B CHEM 238, which may be taken concurrently.

B CHEM 242 Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (3) NSc
Preparations and qualitative organic analysis. Designed to be taken with B CHEM 239. Course equivalent to: CHEM 242. Course overlaps with: CHEM 262. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in both B CHEM 238 and B CHEM 241; B CHEM 239, which may be taken concurrently.

B CHEM 293 Special Topics in Chemistry (2-5, max. 15)
Explores selected topics in chemistry.

B CHEM 294 Chemistry Seminar (1, max. 2)
Introduces incoming Chemistry majors to research in chemistry and related disciplines and informs majors about career options for those who obtain a degree in chemistry. Course overlaps with: CHEM 190. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.

B CHEM 310 Molecular Modeling (5)
Introduces students to the most widely used techniques in the field of molecular modeling and computational chemistry. We will spend each week studying a different molecular modeling method, including the theory that underlies the method and how to apply it to relevant research questions in areas such as drug discovery, biochemistry, protein structure prediction, and cheminformatics. Course overlaps with: BIOEN 488. Prerequisite: B BIO 364/B CHEM 364.

B CHEM 312 Inorganic Chemistry I (3) NSc, RSN
The first in a two-quarter course sequence in inorganic chemistry for students majoring in chemistry and related subjects like biochemistry and chemical engineering. Concepts include bonding, atomic-molecular structure, symmetry and group theory, oxidation-reductions, and acid-base chemistry in aqueous/non-aqueous media. Prerequisite: minimum 2.0 grade in B CHEM 238. Offered: W.

B CHEM 313 Inorganic Chemistry II (3) NSc, RSN
The second of a two-quarter course sequence in inorganic chemistry for majors in chemistry and chemical engineering. Includes transition metal chemistry, along with structure and reactivity of organometallic compounds, solid state chemistry, and an introduction to materials chemistry. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 312. Offered: Sp.

B CHEM 315 Quantitative Environmental Analysis (5) NSc, RSN
Covers fundamental principles for making quantitative chemical measurements including techniques in stoichiometry, spectroscopy, chromatography, statistics, and potentiometric methods. Includes laboratory. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 164. Offered: A.

B CHEM 316 Quantitative Chemical Analysis and Equilibrium Chemistry (4) NSc, RSN
In this course students will learn the principles of quantitative chemical methods, chemical equilibrium and basic statistics. Students will also learn about applications and career opportunities in analytical chemistry in the fields of environmental, forensic and industrial chemistry. Course overlaps with: CHEM 321. Prerequisite: either a minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 163 and a minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 164, or a minimum grade of 2.0 in CHEM 162; recommended: B CHEM 237 and STMATH 341. Offered: A.

B CHEM 317 Quantitative Environmental Analysis Lab (3) NSc, RSN
In this course students will develop lab skills and techniques for quantitative analysis using real environmental samples. Students will learn techniques for preparation and chemical analysis of environmental samples and use statistical methods to interpret data. Students will continue developing scientific communication skills (oral and written). Prerequisite: either a minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 163 and a minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 164, or a minimum grade of 2.0 in CHEM 162 and a minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 316, which may be taken concurrently; recommended: B CHEM 237 and STMATH 341. Offered: ASp.

B CHEM 350 Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution (5) NSc, RSN
Examines the chemistry of the atmosphere and the relationship between air pollution sources, air quality, and human health from both a scientific and policy perspective. Course overlaps with: ATM S 458/CHEM 458. Prerequisite: either a minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 163 and a minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 164, or a minimum grade of 2.0 in CHEM 162.

B CHEM 364 Biochemistry I (5) NSc
First quarter of biochemistry covering macromolecules, including proteins and enzymes. Includes chemical structure of biological molecules and their interactions, how cells synthesize and degrade biological molecules, and how these activities are organized. Emphasizes how biochemical processes interrelate. Prerequisite: either both B BIO 200 and B CHEM 237, or B CHEM 239. Offered: jointly with B BIO 364; A.

B CHEM 365 Biochemistry II (5)
Second quarter of biochemistry, covering chemistry of major metabolic pathways, including glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, electron, transport, and metabolism of amino acids and fatty acids. Prerequisite: B BIO 364/B CHEM 364. Offered: jointly with B BIO 365; W.

B CHEM 366 Biochemistry Laboratory (3) NSc
Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B BIO 364/B CHEM 364, which may be taken concurrently. Offered: jointly with B BIO 366.

B CHEM 375 Molecular Biology (5)
Molecular biology, focusing on structure and synthesis of informational macromolecules. Includes DNA replication and repair, chromosome structure, synthesis and processing of RNA and proteins, regulatory RNAs, amino acid metabolism, and protein trafficking and degradation. Prerequisite: B BIO 200; and either B BIO 360, B BIO 364/B CHEM 364, GENOME 361, or BIOC 405. Offered: jointly with B BIO 375; Sp.

B CHEM 401 Physical Chemistry I (4) NSc, RSN
The first in a 2-course physical chemistry sequence. Topics include thermodynamics and its application to chemical systems, properties of ideal and real solutions and systems at equilibrium. Course overlaps with: CHEM 452. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B PHYS 123; a minimum grade of 2.0 in STMATH 126; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 237. Offered: A.

B CHEM 402 Physical Chemistry II (4) NSc, RSN
The second in a 2-course physical chemistry sequence. Topics include electrochemistry, chemical kinetics and quantum chemistry and its applications to molecular structure and spectroscopy. Course overlaps with: CHEM 453. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 401. Offered: W.

B CHEM 403 Physical Chemistry III (4) NSc, RSN
Introduction to quantum mechanics, molecular structure, spectroscopy, and applications of spectroscopy to molecular systems. The third course in a three-course physical chemistry sequence. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 402. Offered: Sp.

B CHEM 404 Physical Chemistry Laboratory (4)
Covers the application of physical chemistry laboratory and data analysis techniques. Focuses upon the practical application of laboratory and computational methods used in the study of thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, kinetics, and spectroscopy. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 402. Offered: Sp.

B CHEM 426 Instrumental Analysis (5) NSc, RSN
Introduction to the modern instrumental methods of analysis with emphasis on optical, spectroscopic, electrochemical, and separation techniques. Includes the introductory principles of basic electronics, along with sample preparation and acquisition/treatment of instrumental and computerized data and results. Prerequisite: either a minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 315, or a minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 316 and a minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 317. Offered: W.

B CHEM 493 Advanced Topics in Chemistry (1-5, max. 15)
Covers advanced topics within a particular branch of chemistry (analytical, inorganic, organic, physical, and environmental). Covers topics of current research interest or those in professional demand.

B CHEM 494 Special Topics in Biochemistry (3, max. 12) NSc, RSN
Covers advanced topics in of biochemistry. Covers topics that are in the forefront of current research or those in professional demand. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 237; B CHEM 364.

B CHEM 495 Investigative Chemistry I (3)
Introduction to the research methods used in chemistry and covers such topics as hypothesis formation, literature review, proposal writing, method of development, and data analysis. Writing intensive course that prepares students for B CHEM 496. Prerequisite: either a minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 315; a minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 239; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 242, or a minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 316 and a minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 317.

B CHEM 496 Investigative Chemistry II (3)
Students perform independent research, analyze, and present the results of the research in an area of chemistry selected by the instructor. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in B CHEM 495.

B CHEM 497 Apprenticeship in Chemistry Education (1-3, max. 6)
For students interested in pursuing careers in education and in teaching chemistry and science subjects. Involves attending lectures as well as assisting a faculty member teaching a particular lab course.

B CHEM 498 Independent Study in Chemistry (1-5, max. 10)
Independent study on a topic or area agreed upon by the instructor and the student.

B CHEM 499 Undergraduate Research in Chemistry (1-5, max. 10)
Undergraduate research on a topic or area agreed upon by the instructor and the student.