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BCULST 500 Formations of Cultural Studies (5)
Focuses on SA国际传媒al and contemporary forms of cultural studies inquiry, with an emphasis on the local and global questions and problems that shape that inquiry. Offered: A.

BCULST 501 Cultural Studies as Collaboration (5)
Focuses on interactions of ethnographic, textual, and performance-based research methods, with special emphasis on participatory action research strategies. Combines theoretical considerations and experimental learning. Prerequisite: BCLST 500. Offered: Sp.

BCULST 502 Cultural Studies Research Practices (5)
Focuses on interactions of ethnographic, textual, and performance-based research methods, with special emphasis on participatory action research strategies. Offered: W.

BCULST 510 Engaging Cultural Studies (5)
Focuses on the design, development, and piloting of students' individual or collaborative capstone projects and the development of their program portfolio. Initiates the first phase of the capstone project. Prerequisite: BCULST 502. Offered: AWSp.

BCULST 511 Portfolio and Professional Development (1)
Focuses on the development of individual or collaborative capstone projects, with faculty-facilitated workshops and students' own independent writing and research. Prerequisite: BCULST 510. Offered: AWSp.

BCULST 512 Cultural Studies and its Publics (10)
Focuses on the completion and public presentation of the students' individual or collaborative capstone projects, including the annual MA symposium and the completion of the individual student's program portfolio. Prerequisite: BCULST 511. Offered: AWSp.

BCULST 520 Internship (2-5, max. 10)
Internship with a local organization, agency, or arts company that incorporates a "'field-based"' component into learning. Includes a cultural studies project that benefits the organization and has academic merit. Prerequisite: BCULST 500. Offered: AWSpS.

BCULST 570 Prisons, Politics, and Activism (5)
Focuses on prisons as a site through which to explore critically the intersections of punishment, policies, institutions, identities, and social movements.

BCULST 580 Approaches to Ethnographic Research (5)
Investigates and evaluates the theoretical and methodological foundations on ethnography. Provides hands-on experiences in ethnographic methods, and development and assessment of ethnographic research proposals. Offered: AWSp.

BCULST 581 Approaches to Textural Research (5)
Advanced investigation of the theory and practice of textual research methods. Identifies the different components of textual research and explores their interrelation. Prerequisite: BCULST 500 or permission of instructor. Offered: AWSp.

BCULST 582 Approaches to Performance-Based Research Methods (5)
Focuses on how a specific performance approach, such as dance, movement, theatre, storytelling, mixed media, or performing ethnography, acts as a site of research in relation to a particular topic. Examines how to implement performance-based approached and assess their significance. Prerequisite: BCULST 500 or permission of instructor. Offered: AWSp.

BCULST 583 Topics in Public History and Culture (5)
Explores theories and practices of public history and culture. Offered: AWSpS.

BCULST 584 Topics in Media Culture (5, max. 15)
Explores issues in media culture, such as the connections between media and social movements, from cultural studies perspectives. Offered: AWSpS.

BCULST 585 Topics in Cultural Activism and Advocacy (5)
Explores theory, practice, and dilemmas relating to cultural advocacy, understood as object, site, instrument, or basis of social action. Offered: AWSpS.

BCULST 586 Topics in Arts and Cultural Policy (5, max. 10)
Explores SA国际传媒al and contemporary issues in arts and policy. Includes examination of the roles played by governmental, for-profit, and not-for-profit organizations in shaping artistic and cultural practices and arenas. Topics and approaches vary with instructor.

BCULST 587 Topics in Cultural and Arts Practice (5)
Investigates issues in cultural and arts practice in diverse settings. Offered: AWSpS.

BCULST 588 Topics in Culture and Diversity (5, max. 15)
Investigates the intersections between culture and diversity and focuses on the encoding and transmission of knowledge through a variety of cultural practices. Uses ethnographic, historiographical, textual, and performance based methods to move from the forms themselves to community sites of memory and identity. Offered: AWSpS.

BCULST 589 Topics in Global Cultural Studies (5, max. 15)
Links a specific area of study, such as hip hop. YouTube, or garbage, to global cultural studies and the methodologies of visual, material, textual, or arts-based research. Offered: AWSpS.

BCULST 591 Research Colloquium (1-2, max. 6)
Provides an opportunity for graduate students and faculty members to exchange research ideas, present findings, discuss analytical methods and tools, and evaluate the implications of the presented research. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: jointly with BPOLST 591; AWSp.

BCULST 592 Topics in Cultural Studies Research (2-5, max. 10)
Allows for the investigation of special topics in cultural studies research. Offered: AWSpS.

BCULST 593 Topics in Cultural Studies (3-5, max. 15)
Explores in depth specific SA国际传媒al, political, or social aspects of cultural practice, such as digital humanities, the culture and the environment, or arts as cultural studies, and links this analysis to the varied processes of producing these types of cultural work. Offered: AWSpS.

BCULST 594 Research Design (5)
Extends an understanding of research design principles, developing further capacities in research design, especially in relation to sites that necessitate sensitivity to emergent cultural practices and the evolving nature of partnerships. Provides opportunities for research design in response to requests from the community. Offered: AWSpS.

BCULST 595 Cultural Studies Skills Workship (1-3, max. 9)
Provides the opportunity to develop applied skills in an area relevant to professional careers in social, cultural, and arts fields. Workshops emphasize hands-on problem solving, case studies, and actual practice.

BCULST 596 Study Abroad (5-15, max. 15)
Study abroad opportunity that incorporates a global learning component into cultural studies. Offered: AWSpS.

BCULST 598 Directed Research (1-5, max. 15)
Develops research ideas, analytical methods and tools, or the cultural studies implications of research in specific directions that are not covered in the standard MACS offerings. Prepares for a cultural studies/community project. Offered: AWSpS.

BCULST 599 Capstone Research (1-5, max. 10)
Provides intensive one-on-one research support for the capstone project. Students and their capstone advisors establish customized meeting/collaboration scheduled according to individual needs. Prerequisite: BCULST 502. Offered: AWSpS.