Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
B EDUC 170 Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers (5) NSc
Overview of basic mathematical concepts used by elementary school teachers. Introduction to communicating mathematical principles to children and interpreting their thinking and learning. Introduction to principles in elementary mathematics instruction and teaching strategies. Maximum 6 credits allowed between EDUC 170; B EDUC 170; MATH 170; and MATH 171. Course equivalent to: EDUC 170. Course overlaps with: TMATH 171. Offered: AS.
B EDUC 201 Special Topics in Diversity and Education (5, max. 10) DIV
Rotates around different topics dealing with diverse perspectives on ethnic and racial groups, gender, culture, religion, sexuality, language, social class, and special needs, among others, in education at either the K-12 or Higher Education levels. Offered: ASp.
B EDUC 205 Education and Equity in the U.S. (5) SSc, DIV
Introduces SA国际传媒 and contemporary struggles over issues of equity in U.S Education system. Examines issues of race, gender, and religion, evaluating positions of various stakeholders and identifying strategies used to move towards equity in U.S education. Offered: A.
B EDUC 210 Teaching and Learning in a Multicultural Society (5) SSc, DIV
Examines how race and ethnicity intersect with class, gender, sexual orientation, language, disability, and citizenship to influence school experiences and provide insights for culturally relevant teaching. Explores social, cultural, political, and economic issues impacting communities and ways they are implicated in systems of power and privilege that influence educational opportunities. Course overlaps with: EDUC 251. Offered: AWSp.
B EDUC 220 Education and Society (5) SSc
Examines educational problems, policy, and practice from interdisciplinary perspective. Explores the tensions between education values and goals throughout the history of public schooling in the United States and develops critical perspectives through which to evaluate current proposals for school reform. Offered: ASp.
B EDUC 230 Culture, Knowledge, and Education (5) SSc, DIV
Explores the intersection of culture, knowledge, and education. Examines each concept separately then focuses on ways they interact and affect educational opportunities. Cultural issues include; race, socio-economic histories, language, gender, sexual orientation, and religious views. Uses perspectives from diverse academic disciplines and considers education as extending beyond school settings. Offered: W.
B EDUC 240 Science and Engineering for an Ethical and Just Society (5) NSc, DIV
Explores intersections of biology, race, engineering, gender, and justice. Explores fundamental and contemporary ideas in computer science engineering and inclusive gender biology, including how these disciplines systematically uphold white supremacy and reproduce societal inequalities. Offered: SpS.
B EDUC 241 Time in Socio-Ecological Systems: Sun, Moon, Clocks, and Contaminants (5) NSc, DIV
This course explores socioecological time through the lens of Western time making and keeping and its juxtaposition to ecological timescales and patterns of change. Examines the emergence of Western industrial concepts of time and time synchronization, and its impacts on species, lands, and waters. Offered: SpS.
B EDUC 242 U.S. History and the Enduring War For Control of K-12 Curriculum: From Invasion to Insurrection (5) SSc, DIV
A counternarrative survey of American history from the invasion to the insurrection. Students will read from a range of historians and education scholars to critically re-examine the myths, falsehoods, and stereotypes that comprise the story of the United States. Offered: W.
B EDUC 250 Topics in Education and Popular Culture (5, max. 10) A&H
Examines education in relation to specific elements of popular culture in order to deepen understanding of the connections and tensions within society. Explores how popular culture is used to enhance the education experience. Topics include popular forms of art, media, literature, or theatre. Offered: ASp.
B EDUC 255 Critical Diversity Studies (5) SSc, DIV
Introduces theories, concepts, research, and polices that provide a foundation for exploring connections between diversity and equity and for recognizing ways in which these connections are relevant to individuals, institutions, and the world. Offered: jointly with BIS 255; Sp.
B EDUC 295 Gathering, Analyzing, and Using Data in Education (5) DIV, RSN
In this course, you will be introduced to gathering, analyzing, using, critiquing educational data and drawing conclusions from it. To do this, we focus on two broad areas; descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. We will problematize the notion of "neutrality" in statistical analyses. We will examine ways in which bias in statistical analyses may perpetuate inequities and offer insights for practicing critical statistical analyses. Course overlaps with: B BUS 215; B HLTH 215; B MATH 215; and BIS 215. Offered: ASp.
B EDUC 300 Research and Educational Knowledge (5)
Develops critical literacy of educational research. Explores issues of subjectivity and objectivity, political implications of research, standpoint of researcher, participatory action research, bringing self into study of education, and limits and benefits of qualitative and quantitative forms of inquiry in educational research. Course overlaps with: EDUC 315. Offered: W.
B EDUC 310 Theories of Learning, Culture, and Identity (5) SSc
Introduces theories of learning based on psychology, child development, anthropology, and social justice. Examines how learning theories are applied to teaching, assessment, and educational policy. Explores how culture and identity are tied to learning. Course overlaps with: T EDUC 402. Offered: AWSp.
B EDUC 315 History of Education in the United States (5) SSc
A SA国际传媒al survey of education. Emphasis on relationship between idea and practice. Topics include education and colonialism, formation of state school systems, progressive education, policy and practice, equal access and opportunity, education and social structure, and standards and reform. Offered: Sp.
B EDUC 328 Diversity, Leadership, and Engagement (1-5, max. 20) DIV
Explores theories and practices of diversity, leadership, and engagement. Provides opportunity for leadership development and academic reflection in relation to initiatives in which students work on questions of diversity and campus or community engagement. Recommended: BIS 255/B EDUC 255. Offered: jointly with BIS 328.
B EDUC 330 Race, Culture, and Identity in the Classroom (5) SSc, DIV
Examines the ways that various aspects of student identity are entwined with pedagogy and curriculum. Focuses on multicultural education, the politics of language, racism and testing, cultural identity development, and classroom diversity. Prerequisite: either B EDUC 210, B EDUC 220 or B EDUC 230.
B EDUC 340 STEAM Education (3)
Explores the idea that concepts integral to science, technology, engineering, and math deeply overlap with integral concepts in art. Examines how art can be incorporated into STEM curricular goals, and how to develop culturally responsive practices in STEAM pedagogy. Offered: W.
B EDUC 391 Special Topics in Education (1-5, max. 10)
Explores perspectives on educational policy and practice. Offered: AWSpS.
B EDUC 392 Independent Study (1-5, max. 10)
Faculty supervised readings and activities in areas of special interest for individual students.
B EDUC 399 Capstone Introductory Seminar (3)
Focuses on learning how to develop and compile a critically reflective learning portfolio for the capstone project. The course enhances critical inquiry and self-reflection as well as refining writing and collaborative skills. Prerequisite: B EDUC 205; B EDUC 210; B EDUC 300; and B EDUC 310. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.
B EDUC 401 Study Abroad: Education (1-5, max. 15) SSc
Combines study at UW Bothell with seminars and field trips organized by the Education faculty or the faculties of host institutions in foreign countries. Topics include education policies, teaching or learning, and cultural perspectives on education.
B EDUC 402 Human Growth and Learning (5) SSc
Focuses on recent research in the area of child and adolescent learning and on the relationship of learning to human growth and development. Course overlaps with: T EDUC 402. Offered: ASpS.
B EDUC 403 Introduction to Special Education (5)
Introduces basic knowledge for facilitating the success of all children in general education classrooms, with an emphasis on children who receive special education services. Discusses various disabilities, variations in development, the history and legislation around inclusive education, referral, differentiation, and the general education teachers' role. Course overlaps with: EDSPE 304 and T EDUC 449. Offered: ASpS.
B EDUC 405 Context of Learning and Schooling (3) SSc
Surveys major themes of SA国际传媒al, legal, philosophical, political, ethical and social contexts of learning and schooling in American society. Integrates several disciplines as the foundation from which to view the instructional process.
B EDUC 406 Introduction to Field Placements (2)
Introduction to building learning communities in classrooms. Involves students in assigned field placements in K-8 schools and in seminars on campus. Credit/no-credit only.
B EDUC 408 Knowing, Teaching, and Assessing in Multicultural Education and Social Studies (5) SSc
Provides students with classroom methods, materials, and assessment strategies for teaching social studies in elementary schools. Grounded in democratic beliefs and assumes citizenship participation as an essential part of a free, humane, and civic community. Course overlaps with: T EDUC 462.
B EDUC 409 Knowing, Teaching, and Assessing in: Reading, Writing and Communicating (3)
The first in a two-course sequence that builds understanding about literacy development and instruction. Focuses on early literacy, writing processes, and children's literature.
B EDUC 410 Knowing, Teaching, and Assessing in Reading, Writing and Communicating (4)
The second of two course sequence that builds understandings about literacy development and instruction. Focuses on reading for intermediate readers including comprehension, assessment, and remediation.
B EDUC 413 Knowing, Teaching, and Assessing in The Arts (3)
Explores dance, music, visual arts, drama, and literary arts as integral strands of children's learning. Credit/no-credit only.
B EDUC 416 Instructional Design and Assessment (2)
Explores the major concepts, theories, and research related to the development of learning opportunities for children that support individual students' development, acquisition of knowledge, and motivation. Focuses on strategies for implementation of instruction in schools.
B EDUC 417 Families, Communities and Schools (2)
Examines the fundamental values and assumptions that animate our educational endeavor through families, communities, and schools. Topics include changing demographics, community resources and involvement, and diversity of families. Credit/no-credit only.
B EDUC 418 Knowing, Teaching, and Assessing in Intermediate Level Mathematics (4)
Develops understanding of intermediate level mathematics concepts, tools, and strategies for teaching these concepts, and students' mathematical learning. Pre-service teachers explore a variety of activities to facilitate their success as intermediate level mathematics teachers. Course overlaps with: T EDUC 461.
B EDUC 419 Knowing, Teaching, and Assessing in Mathematics (3)
Introduces the nature of mathematics as an exciting way to interpret the world and as an elegant way to solve problems. Emphasizes using mathematical thinking to discover order and represent patterns rather than memorizing mathematical rules to be followed. Course overlaps with: T EDUC 460.
B EDUC 421 Knowing, Teaching, and Assessing in: Earth, Physical, and Life Sciences (4)
Introduces the nature of science as subject matter, as a process of inquiry, and as a fascinating way to make sense of the world. Emphasizes the techniques, attitudes, skills, and competencies needed to become a scientifically literate citizen. Course overlaps with: T EDUC 410.
B EDUC 423 Knowing, Teaching, Assessing in Health, Fitness and Issues of Abuse (3)
Examines health and fitness as it relates to children's development of responsibility health promoting behaviors; how to identify physical, emotional, sexual, and substance abuse; teacher report responsibilities; and methods of teaching about abuse/prevention. Open to Bothell Teacher Certification Program students only.
B EDUC 425 Reflections on Professional Practice Seminar (1-5, max. 15)
Reflections on field work in educational settings. Credit/no-credit only.
B EDUC 427 Reflections on Professional Practice Seminar: Becoming a Professional Educator (3)
Through readings and reflective writing, students explore teacher as a member of a professional community and as a learner, teacher as agent of social justice, and the personal, social, and professional responsibilities of teaching. Course overlaps with: T EDUC 490. Credit/no-credit only.
B EDUC 430 Knowing, Teaching, and Assessing in Secondary Classrooms I (5)
Explores fundamental, theoretical, and practical knowledge of the methods, materials, and habits of mind to begin teaching in secondary classrooms. Introduces the purposes of teaching and assessing, designing learning targets, and assessments and lesson plans. Offered: A.
B EDUC 431 Knowing, Teaching, and Assessing in Secondary Classrooms II (5)
Continues the exploration of fundamental, theoretical, and practical knowledge of the methods, materials, and habits of mind to begin teaching in secondary classrooms. Engages students in the work of teaching and assessing, designing learning targets, and assessments and lesson plans within academic disciplines. Prerequisite: B EDUC 430. Offered: W.
B EDUC 435 Student Teaching (2-15, max. 15)
Field experience in K-8 public school classroom part-time or full-time. Supervised placement transitions from observing, assisting, co-teaching, to assuming all facets of the teaching role. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AW.
B EDUC 437 Current Issues in Technology (1-3, max. 9)
Sequenced and concentrated instruction and collaborative work in instructional technology to be integrated with other quarterly course work. Credit/no-credit only.
B EDUC 438 Teaching and Learning Tribal Sovereignty (5) SSc, DIV
Introduces students in UWB's School of Educational Studies to essential understandings of tribal sovereignty, Indigenous histories and cultures, and Indigenous education policies and movements as they begin their work as educators in the state of SA国际传媒. Course overlaps with: T EDUC 474. Offered: WSpS.
B EDUC 439 Knowing, Teaching, and Assessing in Learning Tribal Sovereignty (2) SSc
The second course in a two course sequence that builds essential understandings of tribal sovereignty, Indigenous histories and cultures, and Indigenous education. Focuses on implementation of tribal sovereignty into K12 curriculum. Recommended: B EDUC 438. Offered: WSp.
B EDUC 441 Second Language Acquisition, Bilingual Education, and the Structure of English (5) SSc, DIV
Focuses on theories in second language acquisition, bilingual education, and the structure of English. Topics include research, practice, and connections between language, literacy, cultural tradition, identity, and education in preparation for teaching ELL's in general education of classes specifically for ELL's. Offered: AWS.
B EDUC 442 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in ESOL (5)
Introduces curriculum, instruction, and assessment for teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). Required for ESOL Endorsement. Prerequisite: B EDUC 441
B EDUC 443 Practicum in ESOL (5)
Fulfills SA国际传媒 State ESOL endorsement requirement for structured experience in teaching English to speakers of other languages. Completed with approved mentor teacher in public school setting. Prerequisite: B EDUC 442 Credit/no-credit only. Offered: WSp.
B EDUC 444 Leadership, Advocacy, and Program Assessment in ESOL (5) SSc, DIV
Explores SA国际传媒al and political contexts of bilingual education in U.S. including legislation, inclusive principles, theory, and research. Focuses on cognitive, academic, social-cultural, and language and educational needs of English Learners through leadership and advocacy. Examines program assessments of services provided to ensure students' needs are met. Course overlaps with: T EDUC 469.
B EDUC 451 Early Childhood Development (5) SSc
Focuses on the period of development from birth through age 5. Students will explore theoretical perspectives and develop an understanding of "developmentally appropriate practice" through connections with personal experiences, observations, and current or future work with young children. This period is foundational for future well-being, hence efforts to provide equitable access to high-quality learning and care environments. Course overlaps with: ECE 201. Offered: AWSp.
B EDUC 452 Service Learning Practicum in Education (2, max. 6) SSc
To be taken concurrently with any two or three credit UW Bothell Education courses. Requires approximately 40 hours of service learning in a school and/or other appropriate setting approved by the course instructor. Credit/no-credit only.
B EDUC 453 Children in Schools and Society (5) SSc, DIV
Focuses on the age ranges of early to middle childhood and explores how children's identities are situated within schools and society. Students will explore resources for educators, caregivers, and other professionals to support children through an asset-based approach. Childhood is thought to be a time of exploration, fun, and growth. It is also a period when development is influenced by family, peers, teachers, and community. Prerequisite: B EDUC 210. Offered: AWSp.
B EDUC 456 Adolescents in School and Society (5) SSc
Discusses some of the transformations of consciousness that occur in adolescence and examines how social structures, particularly formal schooling, help shape those transformations. Requires a community-based learning project. Prerequisite: B EDUC 210. Offered: W.
B EDUC 458 Emerging Adulthood (5) SSc
Emerging adulthood is a period of development distinct from both adolescence and adulthood and focuses on the age span of 18-25.This period is an exciting time to explore one's identities, but can also be filled with uncertainty. Students will analyze the tensions that characterize emerging adulthood along with the many factors that can influence the trajectories of people's lives in the spheres of education, careers, relationships, and health. Offered: AWSp.
B EDUC 460 Moral Dimensions of Education (5) SSc
Explores philosophies of ethics and theories of moral development, focusing on how parents, peers, culture, teachers, and schools influence ethical growth. Examines how schools transmit values, teachers' ethical roles, and moral education content and practices. Incorporates independent learning on topics of interest. Offered: Sp.
B EDUC 461 Educational Implications of Gender Inequality (5) DIV
Examines the SA国际传媒al foundations of gender inequality in education, discuss gender as a factor in access to education, and explores recommended classroom practices designed to reduce gender inequality. Prerequisite: B EDUC 210.
B EDUC 465 Fostering Algebraic Reasoning (5) NSc, RSN
Focuses on methods of teaching algebra from a developmental perspective, including research-based methods for developing students' algebraic thinking and structure and processes used in algebra. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in either STMATH 125 or MATH 125. Offered: jointly with STMATH 465.
B EDUC 466 Fostering Geometric Thinking (5) NSc, RSN
Focuses on methods of teaching geometry from a developmental perspective, including research-based methods for developing students' geometric thinking and structure and processes used in geometry including proof. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in STMATH 125 or Math 125. Offered: jointly with STMATH 466.
B EDUC 467 Fostering Statistical Thinking, Data, and Graphical Analysis (5) NSc, RSN
Focuses on methods of teaching data and graphical analysis and statistical thinking from a developmental perspective, including how to foster secondary students' statistical thinking, and using technological tools to teach key concepts in secondary mathematics using big data sets, graphical analysis, and dynamic visualization. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in either STMATH 125 or MATH 125. Offered: jointly with STMATH 467.
B EDUC 470 Disability Culture in Schools and Society (5) SSc, DIV
Examines history, theory, values, and assumptions about disability in the contexts of schools and society. Explores how disability is defined. Focuses on SA国际传媒al and theoretical foundations for defining disability; disability in the context of public schooling; and relationship between disability, social change, and equitable access to opportunity. Offered: W.
B EDUC 473 History of U.S. Public Schooling (3)
Examines the development of educational policy and practice over time. Emphasizes United States schools from 1750 to present.
B EDUC 474 Global Englishes (5) SSc, DIV
Explores the spread of the English language as a global language and the development of local varieties of English. Examines ways in which people use and appropriate English for their own purposes in various contexts and analyze the diverse beliefs and ideologies that people hold about English.
B EDUC 475 Global Perspectives on Diversity and Citizenship Education (3) SSc, DIV
Explores the relationship between diversity and citizenship education in a select group of nation-states. Discusses challenges experienced by citizens in those nation-states as the nations respond to diversity while trying to maintain national cohesion.
B EDUC 476 New Literacies for Digital Learning (5)
Examines "literacy" in a time of global digital communication, collaboration, and creation. Includes both critical and theoretical readings on the rapid shifts in digital culture and hands-on experience with becoming a networked digital learner. Offered: W.
B EDUC 480 Life and Learning in the Middle School (5) SSc
Explores the theory and impact of relationships within early adolescent development, and within the context of the middle school and junior high schools. Recommended for students who are preparing to teach or work with middle school or junior high aged children. Offered: S.
B EDUC 481 Adolescent Development (5) SSc
Provides an examination of specific theories, concepts, and methods related to adolescence. Explores a wide range of topics including: cognitive development, moral development, identity formation, gender role, social relationships, and the effects of culture and schooling on adolescent development. Course overlaps with: EDPSY 404. Offered: A.
B EDUC 482 Assessment in Special and Inclusive Education (5) DIV
Introduces assessment for individuals in low incidence, high incidence, and early childhood special education programs. Focuses on principals, administration, and interpretation of legally mandated and high quality formal and informal assessments. Includes practice of scoring, interpreting computer scoring, interpretation, and writing summary reports. Prerequisite: B EDUC 403
B EDUC 483 Planning for Student Success in Inclusive Education (5)
Develop knowledge and skills related to planning instruction in inclusive learning environments. Explores methods for short- and long-range educational planning in inclusive and special education settings with a focus on the promotion of equitable educational opportunities and access for all students. Prerequisite: B EDUC 482. Offered: Sp.
B EDUC 484 Inclusive Teaching and Instruction Practices (5)
Explores methods for instruction in special education and inclusive classrooms, focusing on the promotion of equitable educational opportunities for all students. Prerequisite: B EDUC 482. Offered: Sp.
B EDUC 491 Special Topics in Education (1-5, max. 15)
Offered: AWSpS.
B EDUC 493 Environmental Education (3) NSc
Analyze various environmental programs and prepare an individualized project. Learn to apply ecological concepts in the classroom and learn how to teach about various environmental education programs.
B EDUC 495 Applied Experience in Educational Studies (2-5, max. 6)
The Applied Experience is designed to integrate the knowledge and skills cultivated in Educational Studies coursework, an experience in an educational setting, and collaborative self-reflection on the challenges and opportunities of education in diverse settings. Course overlaps with: EDC&I 450. Prerequisite: B EDUC 399, which may be taken concurrently. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.
B EDUC 498 Educational Studies Research (5)
This course focuses on the theory and application of research in educational studies. It explores purposes and constructs of educational research, implications, standpoint and role of researcher, and considers tensions and benefits of conducting research in educational settings. Course participants will contribute to School of Educational Studies faculty research efforts. Prerequisite: B EDUC 300. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: Sp.
B EDUC 499 Capstone Project (2)
Fulfills the second part of a two-course series designed to complete the final version of the Capstone Electronic Portfolio for coursework in the School of Educational Studies towards undergraduate degree completion. This course focuses on further development of this critically reflective learning electronic portfolio and enhancement of writing through feedback from peers and the instructor. Prerequisite: B EDUC 399 and B EDUC 495, which may be taken concurrently. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.
B EDUC 501 Inquiry in Education (5)
Introduces tools for looking closely at classrooms and professional practice. Explores a professional question through gathering information, collegial discussion with their peers, and readings that offer multiple perspectives. Offered: A.
B EDUC 502 Identity and Reflective Practice (5)
Examines key concepts related to identity, reflection, and reflective practice. Supports autoethnographic and reflective writing to foster understanding of personal identity and examination of social, cultural, political and economic forces that influence educational philosophy, practice, and ethics. Offered: A.
B EDUC 503 History and Politics of Teaching (3)
Explores SA国际传媒al, political, and social issues that affect classrooms and schools, as well as the nature of SA国际传媒al and political analysis.
B EDUC 504 Enacting Agency for Social Justice (5)
Focuses on building a social justice ethos through praxis. Examines a variety of models and methods embodying social justice principles within formal and informal educational settings. Develops a knowledge base of how our individual and collective agency can be leveraged to dismantle oppressive structures, while centering the voices of minoritized communities through dialogue, and anti-oppressive organizing. Offered: Sp.
B EDUC 507 Reviewing the Literature (3)
Explores how to locate, analyze, and synthesize professional literature on a topic and how to assemble the resources necessary to write a review of that literature. Supports critical literature review application of knowledge product for program completion dossier.
B EDUC 508 Early Literacy Development and Instruction (3)
Builds an understanding of how young children (ages 4-8) develop literate behaviors, and how teachers can support this development. Explores emergent literacy behaviors, oral language development, building a literate identity, phonemic awareness, decoding, reading comprehension, spelling, and writing.
B EDUC 510 Literacy Instruction for Diverse Learners (5)
Helps teachers meet the educational and linguistic needs of students with diverse needs or limited English language skills. Emphasizes instructional strategies consistent with a variety of approaches to curriculum adaptation and second-language learning. Examines strategies for classroom adaptation.
B EDUC 511 Reading Practicum: Responsive Small Group Instruction (5)
Examines theory, research, and practice in relation to elements of responsive reading instruction including assessment, word identification, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, and ownership. Applies learning to practice through small group reading instruction for elementary-grade children at local, school-based summer reading program. Offered: S.
B EDUC 512 Social Justice Education: Oppression, Resistance, and Liberation (5)
Builds on a foundational understanding of the roots and manifestations of structural injustices in society, and explores a variety of educational philosophies and approaches which work toward resistance and liberation. Considers what resistance and liberation might look like when systems of structural inequities are entrenched in every aspect of human life. Offered: A.
B EDUC 516 Teaching Diverse Students (3)
B EDUC 517 Working with Struggling Readers Grades 3-8 (3)
Develops the strategies and understandings necessary for effective assessment and instruction of struggling readers in grades 3-8. Focuses on classroom-based assessments and their benefits for informing individual or whole class reading instruction.
B EDUC 518 Observing and Describing Children and Their Work (3)
Focuses on observation and description of children and their work. Learn skills of observation as well as a process of systematic collaborative inquiry that validates teachers' knowledge of their students while also generating new knowledge. Study the work of teacher researchers who base their work on thoughtful observations of children.
B EDUC 519 Classroom Discourse (3)
Examines how classroom talk creates and conveys multiple and complex notions of self, roles, status, learning, and subject matter. Addresses what discourse is present in classrooms and how can it be best used to facilitate teaching and learning.
B EDUC 521 Using Multicultural Literature in the Classroom (3)
The dimensions of multicultural education serve as a framework for educators to review and compile bibliographies of books and compile bibliographies of books that can be used with students in the classroom. Discusses books for children and adults. Discussion and reflection on concepts such as essentialism and representation. Selection and evaluation of books to infuse multicultural content into the curriculum.
B EDUC 522 Education and the American Dream (3)
Considers tensions inherent in the deep American belief that individuals can reach unlimited potential through success in school. Looks at ways in which the American educational system has been created within American beliefs in equal opportunity based on merit, yet remains an institution that sorts individuals for very unequal futures. Offered: A.
B EDUC 523 Improving Human Relations in Schools (3)
Addresses issues related to teaching in a pluralistic society. Explores the SA国际传媒al foundations of intergroup education, theories supporting the human relations approach and teaching strategies, materials, and assessment that can be used to improve human relations.
B EDUC 527 Educational Theorists and Reformers (3, max. 6)
Provides an in-depth study of the work of prominent educators whose contributions have significantly impacted understandings of the nature of learning, teaching, and schooling.
B EDUC 529 Community-Based Fieldwork (2)
Designed for educators committed to building and enhancing equitable collaborations with minoritized youth and communities in advancing educational justice. Offering a critique of the deficit perspectives underlying traditional approaches to community partnerships, this course situates youth and community voices, experiential knowledge, and agency as central to advancing enduring, justice-centered collaborations. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: S.
B EDUC 530 Current Issues: Integrated Curriculum (3-5, max. 10)
B EDUC 531 Current Issues in Teaching (1-6, max. 25)
Examines current issues confront classroom teachers: new assessment methods, classroom management, collaborative learning, SA国际传媒 State Essential Academic Learning Requirements, national standards in mathematics and science.
B EDUC 532 Discourse in the Mathematics and Science Classroom (3)
Examines essential questions regarding classroom discourse and how it relates to teaching practice and student learning in K-12 mathematics and science classrooms. Questions include: what is classroom discourse; how does it relate to learning math and science; what issues can be investigated through the study of discourse in math and science classrooms. Offered: A.
B EDUC 533 Computers in the Classroom: Issues and Uses (3)
Examines the dynamics of instruction and interaction in classrooms while preparing students for worlds that do not yet exist. Essential questions include issues of equity, disengagement, and the quality of learning and knowing in a diverse and complex society. Uses current technology to enhance computer skills, create and evaluate quality learning experiences, and explore issues of equal access for all.
B EDUC 534 Current Issues in Literacy Research (3)
Explores current research examining issues of literacy development and instruction. Considers research design, data analysis, study findings, and classroom implications from a critical practitioner-oriented perspective.
B EDUC 535 Writing Across the Curriculum (3)
Explores instructional strategies designed to guide students in acquiring and developing writing skills across the curriculum. Emphasizes preparing materials to use in single subject-area teaching as well as developing as a writer to effectively model and scaffold writing instruction.
B EDUC 536 Teacher Leadership: Renewing, Revitalizing, Reframing (3)
Develops and promotes in teachers the knowledge, skills and "conditions of the heart" necessary to be a teacher leader. Based on the premise that teachers need to be active participants in the formation of a future that positively impacts the lives of students and professional community of schools.
B EDUC 537 Assessment (3)
Analyzes the development, use, and interpretation of classroom-based assessments, including student self-assessment. Explores concepts of validity, reliability, and appropriate use in relationship to both classroom-based and commercial assessments. Critiques use of assessment in relation to goals of equity, educational quality, and accountability.
B EDUC 538 Adolescent Literacy (3)
Examines current issues, research, and innovations in adolescent literacy research and practice. Considers the issues of motivation, comprehension, vocabulary, and multiple literacies including technology and home-school connections. Examines articles by research and teacher leaders in the field.
B EDUC 539 Literacy Coaching (3)
Examines research and practice focused on literacy coaching in terms of mentoring, peer collaboration, and teacher leadership development. Emphasizes literacy content and pedagogical content knowledge, theories of teacher change, and models of effective professional development.
B EDUC 540 Principles of Inclusion: Students and Families (5)
Focuses on issues, principles, practices, and legal responsibilities to student identified for special education and English language learners. Specific attention is given to culturally-and developmentally-aware policies and practices inclusive of students and their families. Offered: Sp.
B EDUC 541 Second Language Acquisition, Bilingual Education, and the Structure of English (5)
Focuses on theories in second language acquisition, bilingual education, and the structure of English. Topics include research, practice, and connections between language, literacy, cultural traditions, identity, and education in preparation for teaching ELLs in general education of classes specifically for ELLs. Offered: W.
B EDUC 542 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in English for Speakers of Other Languages (5)
Participants develop curriculum, instruction, and assessment for speakers of other languages learning in English at any level. Emphasizes support of language and content development in general education classrooms. Required course in ELL endorsement program. Prerequisite: B EDUC 541. Offered: A.
B EDUC 543 Practicum for Teaching English Speakers of Other Languages (5)
Site-based experience teaching students acquiring English. Includes coaching by certified ELL teacher. Focuses on practice of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and advocating in support of students acquiring English. Prerequisite: B EDUC 542 Credit/no-credit only. Offered: WSp.
B EDUC 544 Leadership, Advocacy, and Program Assessment in ESOL (5)
Explores SA国际传媒al and political contexts of bilingual education in U.S. including legislation, inclusive principles, theory, and research. Focuses on addressing cognitive academic, social-cultural, and language needs of ESOLs. Examines language assessment tools, tests, ad other factors for determining placement in language-support programs. Offered: Sp.
B EDUC 547 Transformative Curriculum Leadership (5)
Explores strategies and efforts for individual capacity and collaborative problem solving for leadership in schools and communities to bring about progressive curriculum transformation. Investigates forms of transformative curriculum for equity, social justice, multiculturalism, peace, and ecojustice.
B EDUC 550 Critical Pedagogy (5)
Explores power in educational contexts with respect to knowledge production, instructional practice, and the purposes of education. Offered: W.
B EDUC 552 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in Middle and Secondary Science I (5)
Participants develops curriculum, instruction, and assessment based on theories of teaching and learning in science and inclusive of all students. Attention given to content-based use of technology, working across disciplines, teaching ELL's, students with special needs, and co-teaching models. Includes direct work with adolescents. Prerequisite: B EDUC 556; B EDUC 557. Offered: Sp.
B EDUC 553 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in Secondary English, Social Studies, and History (5)
Participants develops curriculum, instruction, and assessment based on theories of teaching and learning in science and inclusive of all students. Attention given to content-based use of technology, working across disciplines, teaching ELL's, students with special needs, and co-teaching models. Includes direct work with adolescents.
B EDUC 554 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in Middle Grades and Secondary Science (5)
Learn to teach science in a way that makes the content both rigorous and accessible. Develop an understanding of how the world of the student and the worlds of science intersect. Participate in best practices of science teaching and reflect on these practices. Offered: A.
B EDUC 555 Building Partnerships: Home, School, and Community (5)
Examines the forms of collaboration, contention, and controversy in the relationship between schools, the families of students, and local communities from SA国际传媒al, sociological, and political perspectives.
B EDUC 556 Adolescent Development (5)
Provides an in-depth examination of specific theories, concepts, and methods related to adolescence. Explores a wide range of topics including: cognitive development, moral development, identity formation, gender role, social relationships, and the effects of culture and schooling on adolescent development. Includes a community-based learning component. Offered: A.
B EDUC 557 Curriculum Studies (5)
Introduces the field of curriculum studies including curriculum theory and interdisciplinary study of the educational experience. Explores dominant ideas and alternative practices. Focuses on how curriculum and schools are manifestations of culture and how SA国际传媒al and contemporary premises about curriculum influence the culture of classrooms and schools. Offered: A.
B EDUC 558 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in Secondary Social Studies and History (5)
Explores standards and critical areas of social studies and history. Discusses how to design learning objectives, plan for instruction, use resources, evaluate student learning, and teach social studies and history as integrated and interdisciplinary subjects. Offered: A.
B EDUC 559 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in Secondary and Middle Level Mathematics I (5)
Participants develops curriculum, instruction, and assessment based on theories of teaching and learning in science and inclusive of all students. Attention given to content-based use of technology, working across disciplines, teaching ELL's, students with special needs, and co-teaching models. Includes direct work with adolescents. Prerequisite: B EDUC 556; B EDUC 557. Offered: Sp.
B EDUC 560 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in Secondary Science and Mathematics II (5)
Emphasizes the complexity of teaching and learning science and mathematics. Works closely with expert teachers to develop and teach a unit of instruction. Gains practice in designing, conducting, and reflecting on formative and summative assessments in the school setting. Offered: A.
B EDUC 561 Education and Gender (3)
B EDUC 562 Multicultural Education: Race, Class, and Gender (3)
B EDUC 563 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in Secondary English Methods I and II (5-, max. 10)
Helps prospective teachers of English become more thoughtful about the aims, theories, and research methods for teaching English in secondary schools. Encourages reflective thought in the development of materials and plans for implementing secondary English lessons and units that can facilitate student learning. Offered: A.
B EDUC 564 Field Experience in Secondary Schools (3-6, max. 6)
Provides field experiences to reflect on teaching and learning in the secondary schools. Overlap with discipline specific methods course. Offered: A.
B EDUC 565 Student Teaching (10)
Students assume all facets of the teaching role in a full-time placement. Prerequisite: satisfactory completion of required secondary endorsement course work. Offered: W.
B EDUC 566 Connected Teaching and Learning (3)
Explores ways in which new digital media enables us learn via connection, creation, and collaboration. Students will learn pedagogical strategies that integrate digital platforms while also critiquing the proliferation of digital tools within and outside of school. Offered: W.
B EDUC 567 Telling Our Stories As Teachers: Digital Storytelling as Reflective Practice (5)
Uses multi-media tools to weave the complex voices, images, and energy of classrooms to create digital stories as teachers. Through, software tutorials, work-shopping of writing, peer review of emerging projects, and production time, students learn more about themselves as teachers while also learning about technologies that can be used in classrooms. Offered: S.
B EDUC 568 Critical Digital and Media Literacy for Children and Youth (3)
This course will deepen critical media and digital literacies while supporting work with children and youth in a highly mediated culture. Offered: Sp.
B EDUC 569 Educational Policy, School Politics and Teacher Power (3)
Teachers work in a complex web of political relationships, contested values, and competing ideas in schools. Exercises help participants understand teachers' (K-12) and policymakers' roles in school politics and develop frameworks from which to base the responsible exercise of autonomy in schools.
B EDUC 570 Problems in Qualitative Research Methodology (3-5)
Examines a specific qualitative research methodology on a rotating basis. Examples of different methodologies may include action research, archival studies, biography, case study, classroom observation, ethnography, feminist studies, grounded theory, histography, narrative studies, phenomenological studies, policy research, and sociolinguistics.
B EDUC 573 Fostering Early Numeracy (3)
Focuses on K-3 students' mathematical thinking, emphasizing number and operations in base ten. Draws on most current frameworks and documents to address content and pedagogy that support students' conceptual understanding of, and fluency with, number. Incorporates study of classroom routines and formats that support early numeracy.
B EDUC 576 New Literacies for Digital Learning (5)
Examines "literacy" in a time of global digital communication, collaboration, and creation. Includes both critical and theoretical readings on the rapid shifts in digital culture and hands-on experience with becoming a networked digital learner. Readings contextualize equity in digital learning in civic life, youth culture and commercial endeavors. Offered: A.
B EDUC 577 Curriculum Development (5)
Explores various models of curriculum development including established practices and alternative paradigms. Provides opportunities to analyze and critique current and SA国际传媒al models of curriculum planning and to examine the pedagogical, social, and political influences upon curriculum development. Offered: W.
B EDUC 579 The Power and Beauty of Mathematics (3)
Examines how mathematics helps us discover the rules and structures that underlie patterns and regularities in our world. Illustrates how an integrated curriculum combined with inquiry-based methodology can be used to explore some of the mathematical foundations on which the world rests.
B EDUC 580 Critical Education Policy Analysis (5)
K-12 education has become a sprawling institutional complex that includes formal schooling, governmental policymakers, major foundations, non-profit organizations, teachers' unions, parent organizations, and large for-profit corporations. Education has become a battleground where these forces both shape - and are shaped by - policies made at the federal, state, and local levels. This course examines the struggle over educational policy. Offered: Sp.
B EDUC 587 Science, School Knowledge, and Contemporary Social Issues (3)
Explores the impact of science on society as well as the vision for the teaching of science currently being advocated by those involved with science education reform. Discusses contemporary social issues, such as the ethical dilemmas presented by scientific advancements and science education reform issues.
B EDUC 591 Special Topics in Education (1-5, max. 10)
B EDUC 592 Independent Study (1-6, max. 12)
Faculty-supervised readings and research in areas of special interest for individual students.
B EDUC 593 Graduate Certificate in Digital Teaching and Learning Capstone (1)
Supports development of a Capstone Portfolio demonstrating reflection and accomplishment of goals related to digital teaching and learning. Prerequisite: B EDUC 476 or B EDUC 576; B EDUC 566; and B EDUC 568; recommended: must have completed all requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Digital Teaching and Learning. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.
B EDUC 594 Completion Dossier (2)
Supports development of culminating portfolio demonstrating accomplishment of program goals for academic learning and improvement of professional practice. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.
B EDUC 595 Professional Portfolio (3-5, max. 10)
Provides an opportunity for students to reflect on learning and professional growth through the construction of a culminating portfolio. Serves to document and deepen understanding of the competencies gained as a result of participation in the program. Credit/no-credit only.
B EDUC 596 Professional Paper (2-5, max. 10)
Complete a professional paper under the advisement of a faculty member in the program following submission and approval of a description of the proposed paper. Extends over two quarters and includes a public presentation of the completed work. Credit/no-credit only.
B EDUC 597 Practitioner Focused Research (3)
Examines how change in classrooms can be fostered by practitioner research projects. Provides an opportunity to carry out the steps of a site-based research project: examine literature; develop research questions or testable hypothesis; and generate methodology for carrying out investigation as a practitioner. Prerequisite: B EDUC 501. Credit/no-credit only.
B EDUC 598 Project Implementation ([2-5]-, max. 15)
Second course in a three-course sequence of a culminating project focused on the implementation of a project designed to create change in an educational setting. Credit/no-credit only.
B EDUC 599 Culminating Project (2-5, max. 15)
Third course in a three-course sequence of a culminating project focused on an analysis, synthesis, and final write-u of a project implementation experience. Credit/no-credit only.