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BES 301 Science Methods and Practice (5) NSc, RSN
Overview of the scientific method, emphasizing the development of testable hypotheses, scientific writing and analysis.

BES 303 Environmental Monitoring Practicum (5) NSc, RSN
Provides an introduction to the principles and methods of environmental monitoring and analysis. Field and laboratory studies provides experience with monitoring equipment and rigorous sampling techniques; enhance understanding of the range and variability of environmental parameters; and develop abilities in the quantitative analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data.

BES 311 Environmental Chemistry (5) NSc, RSN
Uses fundamental chemical principles to examine fate, reactivity and transport of environmental pollutants. Emphasis given to atmospheric pollution, chemistry of natural and polluted waters, soil chemistry, chemistry of organic and inorganic toxins. Prerequisite: B CHEM 143.

BES 312 Ecology (5) NSc
Introduces major concepts of ecology and relates these concepts to current environmental issues. Topics include the relationship between organisms and the physical environment, evolutionary processes, the structure and function of ecosystems, population biology, forest management, pesticide use, and global warming. Recommended: B BIO 180 or BIOL 180.

BES 316 Ecological Methods (5) NSc
Introduces students to methods used in the analysis of ecological systems and their processes. Employs data analysis tools, graphic presentation, and scientific writing in the presentation of results from laboratory and field studies. Includes lectures, laboratory work, and field investigations. Prerequisite: BES 312 or BIS 390

BES 330 Limnology (5) NSc
Explores the interaction among physical, chemical, and ecological systems in lakes with a focus anthropogenic change in local and regional lakes. Entails collaborative fieldwork component in water quality. Course overlaps with: CEE 462; FISH 473/BIOL 473; FISH 474/BIOL 474/CEE 463; and TESC 435. Prerequisite: B CHEM 143 and B CHEM 144.

BES 362 Introduction to Restoration Ecology (5) SSc/NSc
Introduces ecological restoration of damaged ecosystems. Develops a broad understanding of restoration ecology, including diverse ecological aspects of the practice of restoration, conceptual and philosophical issues underlying the field, and social and political factors that influence restoration outcomes. Includes field work, lectures, readings, and discussion.

BES 385 Biodiversity Conservation (5) NSc
Exploration of the threats to and conservation of biodiversity and its impact on planetary health, cultures, and societies. Emphasis is placed on understanding the limits and promise of conservation approaches within the social, political and economic context of conservation problems, and on the diversity of careers within environmental sciences.

BES 397 Special Topics in Environmental Science (3-5, max. 15)
Unique course offerings designed to respond to faculty and student interests. Possible topics may include economic and environmental issues, air pollution, water quality, ecological restoration, global warming, or conservation biology.

BES 398 Directed Study in Environmental Science (1-5, max. 15)
Opportunity for directed group or individual research on a topic mutually agreed upon by instructor and student.

BES 415 Advanced Environmental Measurements Laboratory (5)
Analysis of air, water, and soil samples using advanced methods. Instrumental methods include: atomic absorption spectroscopy and liquid chromatography. Prerequisite: BES 311, BES 315.

BES 440 Remote Sensing of the Environment (5) NSc, RSN
Studies digital image processing and aerial photography interpretation within the context of Geographic Information Systems and Science (GISci). Focuses primarily on the use of satellite imagery and aerial photography to study the environment.

BES 460 Water Quality (5) NSc, RSN
Examines the chemical and physical processes that influence the fate of nutrients and contaminants in natural surface, ground, and soil waters. Addresses basic environmental chemistry in natural waters and soils, potentially important inputs, transformations and movement, and the environmental impacts of nutrients and contaminants.

BES 486 Watershed Ecology and Management (5) NSc
Overview of the ecology and management of watersheds. Explores physical, biological, and ecological components of watersheds and their interrelationships. Examines human and natural impacts on watersheds, and planning and management through theory and case studies. Prerequisite: either BIS 390 or BES 312.

BES 488 Wetland Ecology (5) NSc
Examines wetland types and their distribution as well as wetland functions for habitat and human resources. Emphasizes the ecology and adaptations of wetland plants and their interaction with soils and biogeochemical processes. Discusses human impacts, wetland regulation, and management approaches. Required field trips. Prerequisite: BES 312.

BES 489 Pacific Northwest Ecosystems (5) NSc
Examines major ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest to understand the structure, function, and location of these characteristic ecosystems in our region. Investigates the intersection of ecological knowledge, environmental policy and management strategies in selected ecosystems.

BES 491 Undergraduate Research in Environmental Science (5, max. 10)
Capstone course. Independent research projects in an area of environmental science, based on mutual agreement with the instructor. Prerequisite: BES 311; BES 312.

BES 492 Capstone Research in Environmental Science I (3)
The first course of a two-quarter capstone sequence. Students plan and develop a detailed proposal for their capstone environmental science project.

BES 493 Capstone Research in Environmental Science II (7)
Second course of a two-quarter capstone sequence. Completion of projects planned in the previous quarter. Prerequisite: BES 492.

BES 497 Special Topics in Environmental Science (3-5, max. 15)
Topics may include economic and environmental issues, air pollution, water quality, ecological restoration, global warming, conservation biology or other topics.

BES 498 Independent Research in Environmental Science (1-5, max. 15)
Individual advanced research conducted under the direction of one or more instructors.