Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
BHS 201 Introduction to Public Health (5) NSc/SSc
Provides an introduction to the principle of public health with exploration of the frameworks, tools, and evidence base that guides disease prevention and health promotion efforts. Consideration given to ethical and public policy issues important to ensuring the fair distribution of resources. Course overlaps with: TBIOMD 201.
BHS 210 Community Health Promotion and Communication (5)
Develops students' ability to read, write, and communicate with diverse audiences, while building knowledge pertinent to the appropriate selection of health interventions. Students will learn to use health information, communication and promotion strategies, and behavior theories to develop and assess health interventions. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in BHS 201, which may be taken concurrently.
BHS 300 Principles of Health Research (5) NSc
Develops competence in accessing, understanding, and evaluating scientific knowledge about population health. To improve students' ability to effectively advocate for public health improvements, emphasis placed on composition approaches that effectively synthesize and translate evidence. Prerequisite: BHS 201; and BHS 210, which may be taken concurrently. Offered: AWSp.
BHS 302 Social Dimensions of Health (5) SSc, DIV
Addresses several main concepts in public health with an exploration of the links between: community, health, and culture; health equity and social justice; and the emerging field of global health. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in BHS 201.
BHS 305 Introduction to Healthcare Policy and Systems (5) SSc
Provides an introduction to policies, organizations, and systems that have shaped the U.S. healthcare system. Topics such as financing healthcare, forms of insurance, and care delivery models will be examined through a comparative lens that also explores different healthcare systems around the world. Course overlaps with: T HLTH 440. Prerequisite: BHS 201.
BHS 403 Introduction to Epidemiology (5)
Introduces principles, methods, and issues in public health practice-based epidemiology. Covers research designs and methods to describe disease occurrence and risk factor associations, and the role of epidemiologic data in health policy. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in BHS 201 and BHS 300; and a minimum grade of 1.7 in either B HLTH 215, B MATH 215, BIS 215, BIS 315, B BUS 215, STAT 220, QMETH 201 or STMATH 341. Offered: S.
BHS 496 Fieldwork in Health (5)
Students participate in fieldwork experiences to explore career options and develop skills in population health practice. Students use critical reflection to synthesize knowledge and experiences from fieldwork and program courses to support their professional development. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in BHS 201; a minimum grade of 2.0 in BHS 210; a minimum grade of 2.0 in BHS 300; a minimum grade of 2.0 in BHS 302; a minimum grade of 2.0 in BHS 305; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in BHS 403 (which may be taken concurrently). Credit/no-credit only.
BHS 501 Social Justice and Ethics (5)
Examines theories and principles of justice, and investigates how these have worked SA国际传媒ally to shape health policy and ethics. Focuses on equity, racism, intersectionality, inclusion, and human rights, as well as developing an understanding of the societal structures conducive toward cultivating a just and healthy community.
BHS 502 History, Frameworks, and Foundations of Community Health (5)
Addresses the history of community health and provides foundations for inclusive strategies for working alongside communities. The frameworks and strategies for "doing" community health will be explored as well as factors that predispose some communities to greater health disparities than others.
BHS 505 Critical Approaches to Health Communication and Promotion (5)
Introduces theory and research that inform the development, implementation, and evaluation of varied forms of health communication for public health promotion. Students utilize critical, analytical, and applied strategies to develop a health communication intervention for a select audience served by partnering community organizations. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.7 in BHS 501.
BHS 510 Health Policy, Systems, and Advocacy (5)
Provides an overview of health policies and policymaking environments that shape community health and social justice. Focuses on diverse advocacy strategies to improve those systems, and how to promote social justice principles and practices in policy-making and governance institutions. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.7 in BHS 501.
BHS 515 Social Justice Leadership and Management (5)
Explores socially-responsible leadership strategies and the tools needed to build organizational capacity to employ inclusive policies and decision-making, create and maintain respectful work environments, and challenge organizational barriers in health care founded in inequity at the interpersonal and systems level. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.7 in BHS 501.
BHS 520 Research Theory, Methods, and Practice (5)
Examines the research methods used to develop the evidence which supports informed and socially-just community health practice. Situates health research in a SA国际传媒al and sociopolitical context while building skills for identifying, evaluating, and applying research to community health challenges. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.7 in BHS 501.
BHS 521 Social Epidemiology (5)
Provides a non-technical introduction to Social Epidemiology. Students will gain insight to the SA国际传媒al and theoretical underpinnings of the field, and will explore epidemiologic methods used to investigate the relations between social factors and health and health disparities. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.7 in BHS 501; and a minimum grade of 2.7 in BHS 520.
BHS 525 Program Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation (5)
Provides approaches to community health planning, implementation, and evaluation using evidence-based practice. Students address community health and social justice issues by advocating and supporting those negatively impacted by inequity and injustice. Students synthesize concepts and theories from prior courses. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.7 in BHS 505; a minimum grade of 2.7 in BHS 520; and a minimum grade of 2.7 in BHS 521.
BHS 530 Capstone Experience (5)
Provides a culminating, integrative experience for MS Community Health and Social Justice students to synthesize and apply competencies and skills acquired during their program to complete a community-engaged health project that addresses a social justice and equity focused issue. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.7 in BHS 501; a minimum grade of 2.7 in BHS 502; a minimum grade of 2.7 in BHS 505; a minimum grade of 2.7 in BHS 510; a minimum grade of 2.7 in BHS 515; a minimum grade of 2.7 in BHS 520; a minimum grade of 2.7 in BHS 521; and a minimum grade of 2.7 in BHS 525. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: Sp.