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BISIA 207 Introduction to Creative Writing: Words, Stories, Dialogues (5) A&H
Inquires into basic elements of creative writing that occur in multiple genres and media. Studies and practices writing in a workshop atmosphere.

BISIA 230 Performing Arts Techniques (1-5, max. 10) A&H
Develops intermediate art skills and applications with emphasis on performing arts.

BISIA 240 Visual and Media Arts Techniques (1-5, max. 10) A&H
Develops intermediate art skills and applications, with an emphasis on visual and media arts.

BISIA 244 Time-Based Media Art (5) A&H
Introduces students to digital media art production with video, sound, and imagery techniques. Time-based media refers to art that is dependent on technology and has a durational dimension. Engagement and use of video editing software as a primary means for creating art work and developing video pieces and projects.

BISIA 250 Photography as Art (5) A&H
Explores photography as an artistic medium. Creates a context for understanding photography as a form of contemporary art, including expressive and interpretive strategies for taking and making pictures.

BISIA 283 Interdisciplinary Art Techniques (1-5, max. 10) A&H
Develops intermediate skills and applications in one or more studio arts in order to enhance students' abilities as performers, arts creators, or educators.

BISIA 310 Creative Writing: Poetry (5) A&H
Intensive study of the theories and practices of writing poetry.

BISIA 311 Creative Writing: Prose (5) A&H
Intensive study of the modes and means of composing creative, non-fictional prose.

BISIA 319 Interdisciplinary Arts (5) A&H
Investigates relationships between the study and making of art. Explores connections among written, visual, and performance arts and engages their intellectual, social, and aesthetic dimensions.

BISIA 330 Performing Arts Workshop (5, max. 15) A&H
Draws on collaboration and ensemble improvisation to inspire critical reflection, with methods including theater, dance, live and recorded music, poetry, storytelling, social media and video. Explores performance-making as a research practice that engages communities, connecting personal experience to current issues of social justice, equity and diversity

BISIA 340 Visual and Media Arts Workshop (1-5, max. 10) A&H
Interdisciplinary arts workshop with an emphasis on visual and media arts. Focuses on the development and critique of creative projects in a practice-oriented setting.

BISIA 344 Video Art (5) A&H
Explores the use of video as a contemporary art form. Focuses on the development and critique of creative projects in a practice-oriented setting. Course overlaps with: DXARTS 450.

BISIA 350 Photography and Digital Art (5) A&H
Explores the use of photography and 2D digital imaging as contemporary art forms in a practice-based arts workshop. Emphasizes creative and conceptual engagement.

BISIA 383 Interdisciplinary Arts Workshop (1-5, max. 15) A&H
Interdisciplinary arts workshop with an emphasis on building relationships among multiple arts forms. Focuses on the development of creative projects in a practice-oriented setting.

BISIA 399 Art and Design Digital Portfolio (5) A&H
Prepares students to build and curate their online presence as artists, designers, creatives, and makers - from designing a digital portfolio website to telling the stories behind their work and what matters to them as artists. Students will leave the class with a professional portfolio website suitable for sharing with potential employers, clients, arts organizations, and more.

BISIA 401 Literary and Arts Journal Editorial Board (2-5, max. 20)
Provides opportunity to learn about publishing a literary journal by publishing the UWB Literary Journal. Students gain skills in communication, assessing and editing literary texts, layout design, technology for creating and disseminating multi-media work, project management, and teamwork.

BISIA 410 Advanced Creative Writing Workshop (1-5, max. 15) A&H

BISIA 440 Advanced Visual and Media Arts Workshop (1-5, max. 15) A&H
Focuses on the development of creative and conceptual projects in a practice-oriented setting.

BISIA 444 Video Installation Art (5) A&H
This advanced studio art course explores video art in the context of contemporary site and spatially-based works, extending ideas into practice. We will explore various techniques such as video, sound, performance, installation, and anchor these in the history, theory, and practice of the various media. Topics in the class will include: multi-channel video installation, sound and space, performance and ubiquitous technologies. Prerequisite: either BISIA 240, BISIA 244, BISIA 344, or BISMCS 240.

BISIA 450 Image and Imagination (5) A&H
Explores image-based arts in a contemporary context in an advanced arts workshop. Emphasizes the development of creative and conceptual projects in a practice-oriented setting.

BISIA 483 Advanced Interdisciplinary Arts Workshop (1-5, max. 15) A&H
Advanced interdisciplinary arts workshop with an emphasis on synthesizing multiple art forms. Focuses on the development of creative and conceptual projects in a practice-oriented setting.

BISIA 484 Arts Learning in the Community (5-10, max. 10)
Develops a theoretical and practical understanding of arts-practices in relation to a selected community context. Engages in a specific project at an educational, social service, or arts organization, or in an arts-project that works across communities.