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B MATH 121 Algebraic and Quantitative Reasoning (5) RSN
Explores how numbers can be used to inform decisions about everyday life. Investigates numerical concepts, graphical displays, proportional relationships, equations, functions, and linear, exponential and other mathematical models. Develops conceptual and procedural tools that support the use of key mathematical concepts in a variety of contexts. Prerequisite: a minimum score of 100 on the MTHDSP directed self-placement test. Offered: AWSp.

B MATH 122 Precalculus I: Algebraic Functions (5) RSN
Introduces functions and their multiple representations. Explores linear, quadratic, polynomial, and rational functions. Emphasis on conceptual understanding, application, and symbolic manipulation skill throughout the course. Prerequisite: either a minimum grade of 2.5 in B MATH 121, or a minimum score of 200 on the MTHDSP directed self-placement test. Offered: AWSp.

B MATH 123 Precalculus II: Transcendental Functions (5) NSc, RSN
Continuation of the study of functions. Explores exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions. Emphasis will be placed on conceptual understanding, application, and symbolic manipulation skill throughout the course. Course overlaps with: MATH 120 and TMATH 120. Prerequisite: either a minimum grade of 2.5 in B MATH 122, a minimum score of 300 on the MTHDSP directed self-placement, a score of 145-153 on the MPT-AS assessment test, or a minimum score of 151 on the MPT-GS assessment test. Offered: AWSpS.

Explores applications of formulas, computational skills, and interpreting certain quantities. Reviews study techniques to enhance course comprehension, and the pros and cons of the use of calculators in a math class. Credit/no-credit only. Co-requisite: either B MATH 121, B MATH 122, or B MATH 123. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

B MATH 144 Calculus for the Life and Social Sciences (5) NSc, RSN
Introduction to differential and integral calculus using real world applications drawn from life and social sciences, and business. Conceptual and algebraic definitions of continuity, limits, with an emphasis on polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Statement and applications of the fundamental theorem of calculus. Course equivalent to: MATH 112 and TMATH 122. Course overlaps with: STMATH 113; STMATH 114; STMATH 124; MATH 124; Q SCI 291; and TMATH 124. Prerequisite: either a minimum grade of 2.5 in B MATH 123, a minimum score of 400 on the MTHDSP directed self-placement, or a score of 154-163 on the MPT-AS assessment test. Offered: AWSpS.

B MATH 215 Statistics for Health Sciences (5) RSN
Provides an overview of basic concepts of statistics used in health sciences with opportunities to learn through experience with health-related data. Course equivalent to: B HLTH 215 and BIS 215. Course overlaps with: B BUS 215; B EDUC 295; STAT 220; and TMATH 110.