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B ME 221 Statics (4)
Applies vector analysis to equilibrium of rigid body systems and subsystems. Includes force and moment resultants, free body diagrams, internal forces, and friction. Analyzes basic structural and machine systems and components. Course equivalent to: TME 221. Course overlaps with: A A 210. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in either STMATH 126 or MATH 126; minimum grade of 2.0 in either B PHYS 121 or PHYS 121. Offered: A.

B ME 222 Mechanics of Materials (4)
Introduces deformations of solids in response to external loads and effects of deformations on stability and material behavior. Develops basic relationships among loads, stresses, and deflections of structural and machine elements such as rods, shafts, and beams. Includes laboratory. Course equivalent to: TME 222. Course overlaps with: CEE 220. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in B ME 221. Offered: W.

B ME 223 Dynamics (4)
Kinematics of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies; moving reference frames; kinetics of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies; equilibrium, energy, linear momentum, angular momentum. Includes laboratory. Course equivalent to: M E 230 and TME 223. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in B ME 221. Offered: Sp.

B ME 293 Special Topics in Mechancial Engineering (1-5, max. 15)
Explores special topics in mechanical engineering.

B ME 301 Introductory Seminar for Mechanical Engineering (1)
Reviews the mechanical engineering degree program at UW Bothell, emphasizing its unique features as well as relating its structure and intent to mechanical engineering as a profession. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.

B ME 315 Introducton to 3D Modeling, Design, and Analysis (4) A&H
Explorers design, representation, and analysis of three-dimensional objects using computational methods and computer-aided design (CAD). Topics include free-hand sketching; optimization of design parameters; documentation and communication of design information using appropriate engineering standards and practices. Course overlaps with: M E 123 and TME 315. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in either B ME 222 or CEE 220. Offered: WSp.

B ME 331 Thermodynamics (4)
First and Second Laws of thermodynamics, and their application in open and closed systems. Includes thermodynamic properties of substances, gas laws, entropy, power and refrigeration cycles. Course overlaps with: M E 323 and TME 331. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in B CHEM 143; a minimum grade of 1.7 in either B CHEM 144 or CHEM 142; a minimum grade of 1.7 in either STMATH 207 or MATH 207; and a minimum grade of 1.7 in B PHYS 121 or PHYS 121.

B ME 332 Fluid Mechanics (4)
Introduction to fluid properties, hydrostatics, momentum transfer in internal and external fluid flow, analysis of fluid flow systems, and fluid dynamics. Course overlaps with: M E 333; TCE 347; and TME 332. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in either B ME 331 or A A 260; and a minimum grade of 1.7 in either STMATH 224 or MATH 224. Offered: W.

B ME 333 Heat Transfer (4)
Introduction to heat transfer by conduction, natural and forced convection, radiation, heat transfer in internal and external flow, and heat exchangers. Course overlaps with: M E 331 and TME 433. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in B ME 332. Offered: Sp.

B ME 334 Thermal Fluids Lab (2)
Weekly lab experiments designed to introduce students to the basics of experimentation, instrumentation, data collection and analysis, error analysis, report writing, and teamwork skills. Topics will include fluid mechanics and heat transfer. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in B ME 331; minimum grade of 1.7 in B ME 332; and minimum grade of 1.7 in B ME 333 Offered: A.

B ME 341 Mechanical Systems Design I (4)
Mechanical analysis and materials selection of machine components. Topics include material properties, load analysis, advanced strength of materials, impact, fracture mechanics, fatigue and reliability. Detailed materials selection methodology is introduced. Associated manufacturing processes. Course overlaps with: M E 440 and TME 341. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in either B ENGR 320 or MSE 170; and a minimum grade of 1.7 in either B ME 223 or M E 230. Offered: WSp.

B ME 342 Mechanical Systems Design II (4)
Analytical techniques are presented for the design and analysis of a variety of mechanical components including fasteners, welded joints, springs, bearings, clutches and brakes, shafts, and gears. Materials selection considerations included. Lubrication principles are introduced through bearing analysis. Course overlaps with: TME 342. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in B ME 341. Offered: SpS.

B ME 343 Mechanical Systems Design III (5)
Covers dynamic system modeling (mechanical, electrical, fluid, and thermos systems); linear oscillator analysis (Laplace transforms, Fourier transforms, eigenvalue problems, and modal analysis); performance specifications of feedback control systems; and controller designs for single input single output systems. Includes laboratory experiences. Course equivalent to: TME 373. Course overlaps with: M E 471. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in B ME 342; and a minimum grade of 1.7 in either B ME 315 or M E 123.

B ME 345 Machining Fundamentals (4)
Introduction to the principles and operations of metal removal processes emphasizing drilling, milling, lathe, sawing, and grinding processes. B ME 331 may be taken concurrently. Course overlaps with: TME 345.

B ME 410 Electric Power and Machinery (5)
Fundamentals of electrical circuits and components, and their application in motors, generators, and other machinery used in industrial applications. Includes laboratory. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in either STMATH 126 or MATH 126; and a minimum grade of 1.7 in either B PHYS 122 or PHYS 122. Offered: A.

B ME 431 Acoustical Engineering: Fundamentals (4)
Covers underlying physics of diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound systems and their physical effects. Estimates important ultrasound parameters using numerical simulations, algebraic techniques, and laboratory-based measurements. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in either B ENGR 310 or AMATH 301; a minimum grade of 2.0 in either STMATH 208, MATH 208, or AMATH 352; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in either B PHYS 123 or PHYS 123.

B ME 432 Acoustical Engineering: Medical Devices (4)
Analysis of advanced applications of diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound systems to rain and to peripheral tissue. Algebraic estimation of physical forces exerted by ultrasound and of associated biological responses. Literature review of ultrasound application to brain and peripheral tissue.

B ME 433 Advanced Thermal Fluids (4)
Explores advanced topics in thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics, including but not limited to HVAC, combustion, compressible fluid mechanics, advanced power generation, computational methods, and renewable energy. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: Minimum grade of 2.0 in B ME 333; recommended: B ME 333

B ME 435 Introduction to Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (4)
Fundamentals of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) to keep buildings comfortable and healthy for their occupants while minimizing environmental impact. Topics include: properties of air-water mixtures; combustion, refrigeration cycles, heating and cooling load calculations, HVAC equipment, and design of HVAC systems for sustainable buildings. Course overlaps with: M E 425; TME 425; and TME 435. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in B ME 333.

B ME 440 Mechanical Behavior of Materials (4)
Thorough investigation into the basic fundamentals of deformation and failure of engineering materials. Emphasis is given to crystalline structure and microstructural aspects relating to mechanisms of deformation, strengthening and fracture. Materials processing is also discussed with respect to controlling microstructure to achieve desired mechanical properties for engineering applications. Lecture-based with in-class lab exercises included. Course overlaps with: MSE 362 and MSE 462. Prerequisite: B ME 341. Offered: WSp.

B ME 446 Sustainable Energy (4)
Studies principles and technologies of energy conversion and their application in sustainable power generation systems. Topics include: fuels and combustion; combined cycles; renewable energy; nuclear power; fuel cells; and energy storage. Economic, environmental, and policy implications of energy technologies are also considered. Course overlaps with: B EE 381/BST 381; M E 430; and TEE 433. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B ME 331.

B ME 450 Introduction to Ocean Engineering and Sciences (4) NSc
Introduction to fundamental concepts of ocean sciences and engineering through project-based activities. Topics include Hydrostatistics, Hydrodynamics, Ocean Sensors, Underwater Acoustics, Sonar, Marine Geology, Ocean Vehicles, Marine Ecosystem, Marine Mammals, Energy, Pollution and Policy. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 2.0 in B ENGR 310

B ME 460 Introduction to Mechatronics (4)
Explores the multidisciplinary field of Mechatronics, involving a combination of mechanical engineering, electronics, computer engineering, and control engineering. Topics include review of basic programming languages; circuit fundamentals and their components; microcomputer architecture and applications; electro-mechanical actuators/sensors; Introduction of PC based control; smart materials and application to intelligent systems. Course overlaps with: B EE 425; CSS 427; CSE 474/E E 474; M E 477; TCES 460; and TME 441. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in B ME 343; recommended: college-level computer programming course.

B ME 481 Citizen Engineer (5) SSc, DIV
Examines the responsibilities of the engineer in the ethical application of technology in diverse, interconnected, and global societies. Historical and contemporary cases are used to probe socio-cultural implications of engineering practice and the role of engineers in local, national, and global development. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B ME 333; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in B ME 342. Offered: AW.

B ME 482 Professional Engineer (5) SSc
Topics in the professional practice of engineering, including engineering economics; product development; project planning; leadership; management and organization; and legal and regulatory matters. Incorporates review for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam required as the first step toward professional licensure. Course overlaps with: TME 403. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in B ME 481.

B ME 483 Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanical Exam Preparation (2)
Supports Mechanical Engineering majors in beginning their preparation for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam, the first step in becoming a licensed Professional Engineer (PE). Students review the subjects covered on the exam and practice fast-paced problem solving under conditions similar to those of the exam. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B ME 343. Credit/no-credit only.

B ME 493 Advanced Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering (1-5, max. 16)
Explores special topics in mechanical engineering. Offered: AWSp.

B ME 494 Innovation, Design and Entrepreneurship (5) SSc
Explores non-technical aspects of business relevant to engineering. Central is assay of the needs of people (as individuals; as members of society) that guide the invention, design and construction of devices, and of businesses, that address those needs. Topics include: needs statements, market analysis, ideation, patenting, business-plan development. Offered: A.

B ME 495 Capstone Project in Mechanical Engineering I (3)
Small-team project targeting open-ended design problems in mechanical engineering. May be undertaken as part of an industrial internship with direct supervision of the mechanical engineering faculty and sponsor. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in B ME 333; a minimum grade of 1.7 in B ME 343; and a minimum grade of 1.7 in either B ME 494 or B ENGR 494. Offered: W.

B ME 496 Capstone Project in Mechanical Engineering II (4)
Small-team project targeting the building phase of open-ended design problems in Mechanical Engineering. May be undertaken as part of an industrial internship with direct supervision of the ME faculty and sponsor. May involve students of complementary disciplines. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B ME 495. Offered: Sp.

B ME 498 Independent Study in Mechanical Engineering (1-5, max. 10)
Independent study on a topic or area agreed upon by the instructor and the student.

B ME 499 Undergraduate Research in Mechanical Engineering (1-5, max. 10)
Undergraduate research on a topic or area agreed upon by the instructor and the student.