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B PHYS 101 Introduction to Astronomy (5) NSc, RSN
Conceptual introduction to the science of astronomy. Studies the planets, solar systems, stars, and galaxies from a conceptual, non-mathematical, standpoint.

B PHYS 114 General Physics (4) NSc, RSN
Basic principles of physics presented without use of calculus. Suitable for students majoring in technically oriented fields other than engineering or the physical sciences. Mechanics. Maximum 5 credits allowed between B PHYS 114; B PHYS 117; B PHYS 121; and PHYS 141 (or equivalents). Course equivalent to: PHYS 114. Course overlaps with: B PHYS 121; PHYS 121; and PHYS 141.

B PHYS 115 General Physics (4) NSc
Basic principles of physics presented without use of calculus. Suitable for students majoring in technically oriented fields other than engineering or the physical sciences. Heat and electromagnetism. Maximum 5 credits allowed between B PHYS 115; B PHYS 118; B PHYS 122; and PHYS 142 (or equivalents). Course equivalent to: PHYS 115. Course overlaps with: B PHYS 122; PHYS 122; and PHYS 142. Prerequisite: B PHYS 114.

B PHYS 116 General Physics (4) NSc
Basic principles of physics presented without use of calculus. Suitable for students majoring in technically oriented fields other than engineering or the physical sciences. Sound, light, and modern physics. Maximum 5 credits allowed between B PHYS 116; B PHYS 119; B PHYS 123; and PHYS 143 (or equivalents). Course equivalent to: PHYS 116. Course overlaps with: B PHYS 123; PHYS 123; and PHYS 143. Prerequisite: B PHYS 115.

B PHYS 117 General Physics Laboratory (1) NSc
Mechanics laboratory. Maximum 5 credits allowed between B PHYS 114; B PHYS 117; B PHYS 121; and PHYS 141 (or equivalents). Course equivalent to: PHYS 117. Course overlaps with: B PHYS 121; PHYS 121; and PHYS 141. Prerequisite: B PHYS 114, which may be taken concurrently.

B PHYS 118 General Physics Laboratory (1) NSc
Heat and electromagnetism laboratory. Maximum 5 credits allowed between B PHYS 115; B PHYS 118; B PHYS 122; and PHYS 142 (or equivalents). Course equivalent to: PHYS 118. Course overlaps with: B PHYS 122; PHYS 122; and PHYS 142. Prerequisite: B PHYS 115, which may be taken concurrently.

B PHYS 119 General Physics Laboratory (1) NSc
Sound, light, and modern physics laboratory. Maximum 5 credits allowed between B PHYS 116; B PHYS 119; B PHYS 123; and PHYS 143 (or equivalents). Course equivalent to: PHYS 119. Course overlaps with: B PHYS 123; PHYS 123; and PHYS 143. Prerequisite: B PHYS 116, which may be taken concurrently.

B PHYS 121 Mechanics (5) NSc, RSN
Basic principles of mechanics and experiments in mechanics for physical science and engineering majors. Lecture tutorial and lab components must all be taken to receive credit. Maximum 5 credits allowed between B PHYS 114; B PHYS 117; B PHYS 121; and PHYS 141 (or equivalents). Course equivalent to: PHYS 121. Course overlaps with: B PHYS 114; B PHYS 117; PHYS 114; PHYS 117; and PHYS 141. Prerequisite: STMATH 124, which may be taken concurrently.

B PHYS 122 Electromagnetism and Oscillatory Motion (5) NSc
Basic principles of electromagnetism, the mechanics of oscillatory motion, and experiments in these topics for physical science and engineering majors. Lecture tutorial and lab components must all be taken to receive credit. Maximum 5 credits allowed between B PHYS 115; B PHYS 118; B PHYS 122; and PHYS 142 (or equivalents). Course equivalent to: PHYS 122. Course overlaps with: B PHYS 115; B PHYS 118; PHYS 115; PHYS 118; and PHYS 142. Prerequisite: STMATH 125, which may be taken concurrently; B PHYS 121.

B PHYS 123 Waves (5) NSc
Electromagnetic waves, optics, waves in matter, and experiments in these topics for physical science and engineering majors. Lecture tutorial and lab components must all be taken to receive credit. Maximum 5 credits allowed between B PHYS 116; B PHYS 119; B PHYS 123; and PHYS 143 (or equivalents). Course equivalent to: PHYS 123. Course overlaps with: B PHYS 116; B PHYS 119; PHYS 116; PHYS 119; and PHYS 143. Prerequisite: B PHYS 122.

B PHYS 201 The Cosmos (5) NSc, RSN
Provides a conceptual introduction to the foundations and current theories of cosmology. Studies black holes, time travel, the Big Bang, and dark matter.

B PHYS 221 Classical Mechanics (5) NSc, RSN
Covers Newtonian dynamics, planetary orbits, drag forces, energy, oscillators, chaos theory, and more. Some emphasis placed on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics. Prerequisite: B PHYS 123; STMATH 126; and STMATH 207, which may be taken concurrently.

B PHYS 222 Modern Physics (5) NSc, RSN
Provides an introduction to the theories of relativity and quantum mechanics. Covers topics such as atomic physics, solid state/condensed matter physics, and nuclear physics. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B PHYS 123; and STMATH 207, which may be taken concurrently.

B PHYS 224 Thermal Physics (5) NSc, RSN
Studies heat, temperature, and forms of thermal energy. Covers the laws of thermodynamics and some statistical mechanics. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in B PHYS 123.

B PHYS 231 Introduction to Experimental Physics (3)
Covers data acquisition and analysis, and presentation of results. Accomplished through experiments in physics. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in B PHYS 123.

B PHYS 293 Special Topics in Physics (1-5, max. 15) NSc, RSN
Explores selected topics in Physics at the sophomore level, and will be an elective in physics major.

B PHYS 311 Introduction to Astrophysics I (5)
Introduces astronomy and astrophysics using mathematics. First in a series of courses of two. Topics include the basics of celestial motion, telescopes, and stars. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in B PHYS 123.

B PHYS 312 Introduction to Astrophysics II (5)
Introduces astronomy and astrophysics using mathematics. Second in a series of two. Topics include the basics of galaxy structure, formation, and evolution. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in B PHYS 311.

B PHYS 314 Introduction to Cosmology (5)
Provides introduction to the science of cosmology. Topics include mathematical descriptions of the expanding universe, the big bang, the cosmic microwave background, and early universe. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in both B PHYS 221 and B PHYS 222.

B PHYS 317 Mathematical Physics (5) RSN
Introduction to mathematical physics, to include vector calculus, differential equations, complex analysis, Fourier analysis, and calculus of variations. Course overlaps with: PHYS 227. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B PHYS 123 or PHYS 123; STMATH 207 or MATH 207; and STMATH 208 or MATH 208.

B PHYS 321 Electricity and Magnetism I (5) NSc
Covers electrostatics, including Gauss' law, the electric field, electric potential, conductors, and dielectric media. The first course in a three-quarter sequence covering electromagnetic theory. Course overlaps with: PHYS 321. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B PHYS 122; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in either STMATH 224 or MATH 224.

B PHYS 322 Electricity and Magnetism II (5)
Covers magnetostatics, vector potentials, Maxwell's equations, magnetic materials, tensors, and electromagnetic waves. Second in a three quarter sequence. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in either B PHYS 321 or PHYS 321.

B PHYS 323 Electricity and Magnetism III (5) NSc, RSN
Covers electrodynamics, electromagnetic waves, radiation, and special relativity. Course overlaps with: PHYS 323. Prerequisite: Either B PHYS 322 or PHYS 322.

B PHYS 324 Quantum Mechanics I (5) NSc
Introduction to nonrelativistic quantum theory. Covers the postulates of quantum mechanics, Schrodinger wave equations, the Uncertainty Principle, angular momentum, and the hydrogen atom. First part of a two-quarter sequence. Course overlaps with: PHYS 324. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B PHYS 222; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in either STMATH 224 or MATH 224.

B PHYS 325 Quantum Mechanics II (5) NSc, RSN
Covers nonrelativistic quantum theory. Topics include identical particles, approximation techniques, and scattering problems. Course overlaps with: PHYS 325. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B PHYS 324.

B PHYS 328 Statistical Physics (5) NSc, RSN
Covers statistical mechanics and quantum statistics. Course overlaps with: PHYS 328. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B PHYS 224

B PHYS 330 Special and General Relativity (5)
Special relativity including simultaneity, causality, paradoxes, relativistic momentum and energy. General relativity including black holes, the Schwarzschild metric, and geodesics in curved spacetime. Course overlaps with: PHYS 226. Prerequisite: B PHYS 123 or PHYS 123. Offered: Sp.

B PHYS 431 Experimental Physics Lab: Analog Circuits (5) NSc, RSN
Key circuit analysis principles will be introduced which will help the students analyze a variety of discrete analog dc and ac circuits which would use diodes, bipolar junction transistors, and operational amplifiers. Students will solve the circuits analytically, and then test their answers by simulating the circuits using Multisim in the laboratory. The students will then proceed to build these circuits and test them. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in B PHYS 231.

B PHYS 432 Experimental Physics Lab: Digital Circuits and Instrumentation (5)
Design experiments to measure physical properties using specialized instrumentation and equipment. We will undertake analysis of digital circuits, building and testing circuits combinational and sequential logic circuits, as well as explore modern measurement techniques and precision measurements. Course overlaps with: PHYS 431. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B PHYS 231.

B PHYS 433 Experimental Physics: Senior Project (5)
Students will be creating deliverable projects and communicating the outcomes and results of their project at end of quarter. Students may propose projects either related to ongoing research or connected to prior coursework in physics. Prerequisite: either a minimum grade of 2.0 in B PHYS 312, a minimum grade of 2.0 in B PHYS 432, a minimum grade of 2.0 in B PHYS 450, or a minimum grade of 2.0 in B PHYS 484.

B PHYS 441 Condensed Matter Physics I (5) NSc
Covers condensed matter physics to include the solid and liquid states, crystals, diffraction, phonons, band theory, semiconductors and superconductors. Course overlaps with: PHYS 423. Prerequisite: B PHYS 324

B PHYS 442 Condensed Matter 2 (5)
This is the second course in a series of two courses on Condensed Matter Physics. The objective of this course is to introduce formalisms and simple models on magnetic properties and collective excitations in materials. This course also deals with optical processes in semiconductors, and magnetic resonance, surface physics, nanostructures and amorphous materials. Course overlaps with: MSE 352 and PHYS 423. Prerequisite: B PHYS 441; recommended: Strongly recommend prior course work in advanced calculus, quantum mechanics and statistical physics.

B PHYS 450 Computational and Theoretical Modeling in Physics (5) NSc, RSN
Introduces the concepts and techniques for computational modeling of physical systems. In particular, we will use Matlab or Python to develop computational models, and the course will introduce the Matlab and Python programming languages and cover basic programming methods. We will then model physical systems using differential equations, Fourier transforms, and matrix methods. Prerequisite: B PHYS 317 and CSS 112.

B PHYS 484 Physics, Society and Industry (5) SSc
Draw connections between physics, mathematics and general science topics and connect these topics to issues relevant in modern day society and industry. Focus on written, verbal and visual communication skills and using literature sources Prerequisite: either B PHYS 222 and B PHYS 224, or BISSTS 307 and BISSTS 355.

B PHYS 493 Advanced Topics in Physics (1-5, max. 15) NSc, RSN
Covers advanced topics in Physics.

B PHYS 494 Physics Seminar (1, max. 5)
Observing and presenting scientific talks. Students will learn about modern physics research and how to present scientific material to an audience. Credit/no-credit only.

B PHYS 498 Independent Study in Physics (1-5, max. 10)
Independent study on a topic or area agreed upon by the instructor and the student.

B PHYS 499 Undergraduate Research in Physics (1-5, max. 10)
Undergraduate research on a topic or area agreed upon by the instructor and the student.