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BST 110 Chemistry and Life (5) NSc
Survey course exploring the chemistry of life. Topics include the molecular nature of all life, chemical processes of living organisms, chemistry of food, air, water, nutrition, pollution, genetic engineering, and drug design. Material includes basic chemical principles related to explored topics. No prior chemistry knowledge assumed. Offered: jointly with B CHEM 110; A.

BST 205 Women in STEM (3) SSc, DIV
Many women feel outside of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields and continue to be underrepresented in these fields. This class explores challenges experienced by diverse women in STEM fields, and multiple strategies to surmount those challenges. Upon completion of the course, students will have acquired tools needed to persevere and succeed as they pursue a career in the STEM fields. Course overlaps with: GWSS 485/PHYS 451; GWSS 488; and T WOMN 211.

BST 210 Social Justice in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (5) DIV
This course examines longstanding systemic inequities pervasive in STEM that impact scientific research, medicine, technology, engineering, and education. STEM Majors across campus can draw upon their disciplinary expertise to address social injustices. This course examines social justice topics relevant to your own lives and studies, and students will participate in student-driven activism of your choosing.

BST 293 Special Topics (5, max. 15)
Examines different subjects or problems from an interdisciplinary framework.

BST 301 Scientific Writing (5)
Develop written and verbal scientific communication skills that are essential for success in a scientific career. Create multiple products including a scientific paper, research funding proposal, and content for online media. Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 grade in B WRIT 134. Offered: AWSp.

BST 381 Introduction to Electric Power Generation (5) NSc, RSN
Reviews the design and operation of power plants for the generation of electric power. Covers thermodynamic principles of energy conversion, cycle analysis, combustion, nuclear and hydroelectric power, emerging energy technologies, plant economics, emission controls, and environmental impact. Course overlaps with: B ME 446 and TEE 433. Prerequisite: STMATH 126 or MATH 126; and B PHYS 122. Offered: jointly with B EE 381.

BST 445 Political Economy of Energy (5) SSc
Covers the theoretical and practical issues in developing public policy to meet demands for efficient, secure, and environmentally sustainable energy. Student evaluate energy technologies in terms of scientific merit, economics, environmental impacts, and political contexts, and propose technologically sound and politically feasible solutions.

BST 446 Sustainable Energy (5) NSc
Covers the principles of energy conservation and technologies for generating and transmitting energy sustainably to meet growing energy demand. Discusses the status and prospects of current and emerging energy choices, including fossil and nuclear fuels, biomass, wind, and solar. Prerequisite: B CUSP 124; either B CHEM 142, B PHYS 114, or B PHYS 121.

BST 493 Advanced Topics in Science and Technology (2-5, max. 15)
Explores selected advanced topics in science and technology.

BST 498 Independent Study in Science and Technology (1-5, max. 15)
Independent study on a topic or area agreed upon by the instructor and student.

BST 499 Undergraduate Research in Science and Technology (1-5, max. 20)
Undergraduate research on a topic agreed upon by the instructor and student.