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B WRIT 132 Composition Stretch I (5-)
Extends B WRIT 134 over two quarters. Provides an extended experience at working with reading and writing. Must complete both B WRIT 132 and B WRIT 133 for composition graduation credit. Course equivalent to: TWRT 120. Prerequisite: UW Bothell composition directed self-placement test. Offered: AW.

B WRIT 133 Composition Stretch II (-5) C
Extends B WRIT 134 over two quarters. Provides an extended experience at working with reading and writing. Must complete both B WRIT 132 and B WRIT 133 for composition graduation credit. Course equivalent to: TWRT 121. Course overlaps with: B WRIT 134. Prerequisite: B WRIT 132. Offered: WSp.

B WRIT 134 Composition (5) C
Offers an interdisciplinary approach to composition, including generating a compelling topic; the articulation of a thesis; the development of supporting evidence; the ability to draw conclusions from the evidence, clear organization of the essay, correct mechanics; awareness of audience, and knowledge of resources for research. Cannot be taken if previously earned a minimum grade of 2.0 in ENGL 131. Course overlaps with: B WRIT 133. Prerequisite: UW Bothell composition directed self-placement test. Offered: AWSpS.

B WRIT 135 Research Writing (5) C
Strengthens performance of college-level argumentative writing and scholarly research, critical reading and thinking, and the critique and the creation of print and new media texts. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in either B WRIT 133, B WRIT 134, or ENGL 131. Offered: AWSpS.

B WRIT 137 Writing Studio (2, max. 6)
Develops strategies for improving academic writing. Focuses on interpreting assignments, developing rhetorical awareness, applying self-assessment, and improving revision. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.